I've bullied everyone to the house, and I have to pretend to be magnanimous

Stranger Things and Planned Parenthood are both natural black pot men.

When I first moved to this village, the gate of the courtyard where I lived was broken, and the landlord had repaired it several times and failed to fix it. Since I was sexually harassed by the landlord and then he secretly deflated my e-bike tires, I took a bike chain lock and locked the door from the inside. But because the door was facing the outside and the door handle was broken before I moved in, the chain lock could not be locked from the outside, only when I was at home.

Early this morning, before I got up, I was woken up by a strange sound outside the yard. It sounded like someone was pushing the door, pushed it hard for a while, stopped, and then pushed it hard again. I remembered that when I was in the yard a few days ago, I heard a knock on the door, but when I opened the door, I found that there was not a single person outside. After thinking about it later, I speculated that it might be the noise made by the neighbor in front of the house. Besides, the people I know here are limited. Usually, apart from the landlord, the village cadres will come to me for anything. If the landlord wants to come in and get something, he has my phone number anyway. Thinking of this, I rolled over and continued to sleep in.

After getting up in the morning, I realized that I heard it right this time, the door was really pushed open a crack, thanks to the fact that I twisted the chain like a twist a few times when I locked the door, or else the person who pushed the door would pass through the crack. If you put your hand in, you can take off the lock and break in. At this point, I still thought it was the landlord who pushed the door. Maybe because I had a fight with him about his venting, he was embarrassed to call me and tell me to open the door.

I didn't lock the door in the morning. I thought if the landlord wanted to get something, I would open the door and come in to get it.

At noon, when I was cooking lunch at home, an old lady entered the yard without knowing when, and walked directly into my kitchen without a word. As soon as I came in, she asked me if I had eaten. I said no, and then asked her what was the matter. She was vague, walked to the door of the west house, glanced in, then turned around and walked towards the east house again. I was bewildered by her, and I happened to be standing at the door of the east house, so I blocked it and didn't let her in. She had to go in, so I asked her what was the matter.

Only then did she tell the truth. She said that the old man of their family had left a bundle of firewood in the nearby col and disappeared, and someone saw that I had carried the firewood down.

I explained to her that I only picked up the firewood from the pine forest behind and opposite, and I would not pick up the firewood from the chestnut forest and walnut forest. I asked her what kind of wood the firewood she lost was made of? Chestnuts or walnuts? She said it was Vitex. I told her that most of the firewood I picked up was dead branches of pine and cypress, and occasionally acacia, but little vitex twigs (because the twigs at the ends of thorn twigs can easily poke my hand).

I thought I explained it well enough, but the old lady still insisted on going to my east room. I especially hate these old villagers and old ladies cramming around people's houses uninvited, so I won't let her in: "I can't carry the firewood into the house, or you will follow me to the yard. Go inside and look for yourself to see if there is any firewood you've lost."

Anyway, I persuaded the old lady to come to the yard. I took her to the place where the firewood was stacked in the east, and showed her the firewood I picked up: Look, this is a pine tree, this is acacia. Then I picked up a thorn on the ground that I picked up as a walking stick when I was climbing the mountain, and asked her if it was this kind of wood that she lost.

She said it was this kind of wood, but it wasn't like this, and said that the bundle of firewood was bundled by her old man. On the other hand, he gestured with his hand for a while, and it was a very large bundle.

I said to her: I can't carry the bundled firewood away, and with such a big bundle, do you think I can carry it?

Having said that, I would like to thank myself for my foresight. When I was picking up firewood in autumn and winter, in order to avoid suspicion, I didn’t pick up the branches scattered in the chestnut forest and the walnut forest, and the vitex that was obviously cut off by the roadside. I only pick up firewood from the pine and cypress forests. When I take my cat up the mountain, I occasionally pick up a small handful of vitex from the mountain behind, which is also a low vitex cut by the afforestation. Because the old lady who lives behind is very old, in order for her to pick up firewood nearby, I also leave all the firewood at the foot of the mountain to her, and every time I collect dead branches from the top of the mountain and above the mountainside.

In order to prove that I didn't steal the old lady's firewood, and to reassure her, I took her to the west side of the house again, and let her see the bundles of sturdy thorns that the landlord had placed in the west corner of the yard for cucumber and bean racks.

But instead of going to see me, she told me that she came to see my yard yesterday afternoon, and didn't find the firewood she lost, and came to see me again in the morning...

Only then did I realize that she was the one who pushed my door early in the morning and wanted to break in. In fact, yesterday afternoon when I climbed the mountain with the cat in the back, I saw an old lady on the mountainside talking to the old lady who lived behind me, and then walked outside the gate of the yard where I lived. But from there I couldn't see if she entered the yard.

So I said, since you've seen it a few times yourself and haven't found the firewood you've lost, then it's over. You can't wrong people.

The old lady said: I don't mean to wrong you. Even if you carry that bundle of firewood, I won't do anything to you. I'm just here to tell you, don't go to other people's fields to pick up firewood.

I had to explain to her again that I had never picked up firewood from other people's fields...

Then she repeated to me: Even if the bundle of firewood was carried away by you...

I was dumbfounded by her, even though she knew that I didn't steal her firewood, she still had to come to me several times to reason with me. He has bullied everyone, and he has to pretend to be magnanimous. I suddenly realized that her sentence "Even if the firewood is taken away by you, I won't do anything to you" was actually trying to lure me into confessing, trying to deceive me into taking the blame down. When someone from the Public Security Bureau is trying to induce confessions, one person needs to sing the black face and the other person sings the white face. She is better, and one person plays both roles.

So I said to her very rudely: You think I am a foreigner, so I can be bullied, right? Knowing that I didn't steal your firewood, you still want to rely on me.

She also kept saying "I didn't, I didn't..." As she said that, she walked towards the door embarrassingly, and left by herself.

I finished my lunch at home in a huff and took the cat up the mountain. Thinking of this on the way, I had an epiphany: in many people's minds, strangers or outsiders like me are natural black pot warriors. As long as something happens, people like me must be the first to be suspected. Even if the evidence is insufficient, people can still turn the blame on us.

Being a stranger in a foreign land alone, my status is actually similar to that of family planning in the minds of anti-birth control groups, but I am a small culprit, and family planning has a big culprit. What kind of bachelors are too many sex ratio imbalances, serious aging, economic Weakness... Those who can be involved in family planning must depend on family planning; even if they are not involved in family planning, the anti-birth control faction can still go around and go around family planning, no matter what. Depend on it.

Just like the Fengxian incident in Xuzhou, it was obvious that Dong Zhimin was born in the 1960s. He was a bachelor because he favored sons over women and the population base was too large, and had nothing to do with family planning. However, when many anti-birth control groups discuss this matter, they always bring family planning to the end and say: "Chen Yeqiang believes that the root cause of trafficking and marriage relocation is that family planning leads to the imbalance of the sex ratio, which far exceeds the normal male-to-female ratio. Scope." wrote an article "The Four Corners | What We Know About Eight-Child Mothers " reprinted by CDT,

According to UNICEF data, the ratio of male to female newborns in China has risen rapidly since 1980. In 1982, for every 100 baby girls born in China, 108.5 baby boys were born. However, this number rose to 118.6 in 2005. With the gradual liberalization of the family planning policy, the male-to-female ratio of the birth population began to decline, dropping to 111.9 in 2017. In the absence of any intervention, the normal range for the sex ratio at birth is 103 to 107.

Then the author of that article gave such a histogram below:

webpage Screenshot

As the saying goes, you have to have the right to speak. If the anti-birth control group wants to prove that the imbalance between males and females in China is caused by family planning, they have to show the data before family planning and compare it with the data of the family planning era, so that everyone can see that the ratio of males and females in the previous family planning era was not imbalanced, then it can explain the problem. But as far as I know, no anti-birth control faction has dared to do so so far.

The same is true for the "Four Corners". The data in his histogram starts in 1980, and the previous data does not.

So what can we see from the data he gave?

From the left side of the histogram, we can see that the sharp imbalance in the sex ratio of newborns occurred between 1990 and 1995, from close to 112 in 1990 to close to 116 in 1995. This turning point is not related to family planning. The time of the beginning coincides with the time period when B-ultrasound technology was popularized and abused.

On the right side of the histogram, there is a sudden improvement in the severe dysregulation of the sex ratio of newborns, from 2010 to 2015, the sex ratio dropped sharply from 118 to nearly 114. This turning point also does not coincide with the "adjustment of the birth policy", that is, the release of family planning. The reason for this change is that the Communist government has begun to vigorously crack down on fetal gender identification, rather than liberalizing family planning.

From 2015 to 2017, that is, after the release of the second child, the sex ratio did not drop much, only from close to 114 to 112, which was higher than the sex ratio of newborns in 1990. By 2021, the third child will be released. After that, this number still only dropped slightly to 111.6 (refer to my calculation in " How to prevent Li Kui who didn't go to Liangshan from buying a wife? "). "Adjusting the birth policy" did not work to reduce the sex ratio of newborns, which anti-birth control camps have repeatedly predicted and failed to do.

But it is useless to reason with the anti-birth control group. Just like the old lady who depends on me to steal firewood, their way of thinking is still at the level of illiterate and semi-literate. must back. The pig-headed emperor made a final decision, the dog-headed military division became a tiger, and the ordinary writers were full of money. This is their argumentation mode, and logical thinking does not exist for them.

When Pilate nailed Jesus to the cross, he only used a few nails to nail Jesus' hands, feet and abdomen, but none of them were nailed to the point. As a result, he was only nailed into a coma, and he was taken off the cross within a few days. Jesus woke up and "resurrected". The anti-birth control group is much more ruthless than Pilate. They know that family planning cannot be nailed with a few nails. They must be nailed with the nails of lies, and they have to be nailed day after year, year after year. Kill Planned Parenthood.

This "ancient country of five thousand years of civilization" has spent five thousand years without entering the ranks of civilization. It is caused by such unreasonable people. From the illiterate at the bottom to the elite at the top, the vast majority of people are in this way goods.


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