Si Kaoru | To my most admired writer | Make people believe in love

Writing this undeliverable letter, I want to tell you what you have said, it has already become a quote of wisdom, bringing people upward strength and making yourself feel your warmth.

Wisdom Quotes

Hello my most admired writer:

I have always been unfamiliar with you, but I am more familiar with your husband. I don't know that my literary background is too poor, until you wrote "The Three of Us" at the age of 93 for your beloved daughter. Repeatedly miss the deceased husband and the beloved daughter.

My love story about you and your husband has gone through half a lifetime of ups and downs. In the twilight of my life, I finally reunited with my husband and my beloved daughter. I thought that after all the hardships, we could be together as a family and never be separated again. Death, this pain makes you suffer, but you are still strong to relive the story of your life together again and again, although they left before you and separated, but you bravely spent every lonely night.

 Sometimes, we have to be strong, so we become stronger and stronger while pretending to be strong

 If the day is lost, the water will overflow. Our love is all right here. I don't want it to overflow.

This makes me moved. Simple happiness is the greatest happiness in life. Your home is very simple and simple. You don’t want to fight with others, you just want to get together, stay together, and do what you can. When you encounter difficulties, bear them together, and the difficulties will no longer be difficult. With the help of saviours, no matter what is bitter or difficult, it can become sweet. If you are a little bit happy, you will become very happy. I often see it. These words, tears can not help shedding, thank you, let me know that happiness is really simple.

 There will be no pure happiness in the world, always mixed with troubles and worries, and there is no eternity in the world

 Every word of yours is so wise. After a hundred years of hardships, the most beautiful scenery in life is the calmness and calmness of the heart.
The three of you are finally reunited. You don't need to look for your way back, you don't need to look back on the post roads you've traveled in the past, and the love you've left along the way. Thank you again for leaving this wise quote that makes people think.

I really admire you. You look down on life calmly and indifferently. This life is even more tenacious. Although you have survived those thoughts alone, you still continue to cheer people up and encourage yourself. We used to look forward to the recognition of the outside world. It is one's own, not related to others.

You have passed away for many years, and at 105 years old, you must feel the loneliness most in this century. When you wrote this undeliverable letter, what I wanted to tell you has already become a quotation of wisdom, which has brought people upward strength and made Feel your warmth for yourself.


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