Four arrows of human figure (seven)

How to learn and remember

Share today how your brain and your body like to bring information into your inner memory.

It's similar to how you take in nutrients and feed yourself. One is food and the other is message.

I shared the four arrows and now C1 to C6 are still talking about the first red arrow (upper left)!

It is suggested that you can review the articles C1~C6 and compare them with your own design. My own PHS is C4 Calm/Left Arrow, and I have a feeling for the content of the diet article, but when I came to study, it was too difficult for me to recall, because from my student days, where were my classmates sitting around? In addition, my emotions are blank, and I often share the joys, sorrows and sorrows of my classmates. I can really appreciate the feeling of studying in a calm environment, but each picture has many dilemmas, if your child has the same design as me, how should you choose a school seat? Or is there a choice? Also, should you as a parent intervene in the child?

🟧Learn Type C1: Do One Thing at a Time

Continuously ⇦ / Alternate Turn ⇨

Unable to multitask. They're better off dealing with one thing at a time. If there are too many things going on at the same time, it is easy to have poor storage problems, so only do one thing at a time. If you're a C1 left arrow, it's best to finish one thing before starting the next. As with dietary advice, end one at a time before switching to the next.

But if you alternate right arrows, you can switch back and forth between several things, but still only do one thing at a time. For example, you can read a book while studying, watch a movie after a while, then chat with someone for a while, then go back to study, and finally watch the movie.

But don't mix it all up, do it in 30-minute or 1-hour increments, or whatever you see fit. Your body will tell you when it's time to switch. Taking turns back and forth like this is a stimulus to the brain, but when you're doing one thing, don't be interrupted by other things. This means that your brain doesn't like distractions when you're focused on the thing at hand. So when you're studying, don't come and go, and don't put headphones in your ears to listen to music. You are like a hunter and need to focus on what you are hunting.

🟧Learning Type C2: very selective

Open ⇦ / Closed ⇨

Lack of interest in learning until you find what works best for you. Left Arrow The brain is always interested in all possibilities, but if it doesn't like it, it doesn't want to touch it. And the right arrow isn't even interested in seeing what the possibilities are. What you have in common is that you are very picky.

But you like a wide selection. The left arrow actively pays attention to various things, while the right arrow waits for something worth noticing to grab your attention. Either left or right would rather stay with what you know and like than touch new things.

Regarding selectivity, dietary C2 has to go through many incorrect foods to find what is right. Meaning it will likely take a while to find a food that C2 actually wants to eat.

So when it comes to learning, look at it the same way, it may take a long time for you to find something that is worth your time to learn. There may be a situation as a student where your parents force you to study subjects they think will help you, but that doesn't work, without giving you a choice, your brain will refuse to store this information, it will be very painful, and give up.

🟧Learn Type C3: Interesting

hot ⇦/cold ⇨

You like to learn something new and interesting, especially something that stimulates you to think more or inspire you. Unable to study boring subjects, need to be varied and diverse. Unless it's really interesting, you can't stay on the same thing for too long, but the 3 lines can still be connected after a break, which means that they will come back to continue this thing after a while.

If you are the right arrow, avoid too hot environment or wear too much when studying. If you are the left arrow, make sure that you are studying in a warm environment, the air conditioner and electric fan should not be turned on too strong, and keep your body temperature.

Both make sure you drink enough water while you study.

🟧Learning Type C4: Inner State

Calm ⇦ / Nervous ⇨

The point of C4 is not what to learn (you can almost remember what you have learned), but the environment in which to learn. If you are the left arrow, you need to study in an environment that puts you in a state of calm. Stay away from people who make you nervous, and don't read while listening to podcasts.

On the other hand, if the child with the right arrow tells his parents to study at McDonald's, it is very good, very suitable.

🟧Learn Type C5: Voice

High frequency noisy⇦ / low frequency quiet ⇨

If you are the left arrow, you can benefit from a noisy environment. Form a study group with the C4 right arrow. When studying, you can listen to Podcasts, listen to music, etc. Anyway, it is recommended to have background sound. Some subjects can read aloud what you are learning, such as memorizing English words or not understanding the content of the course, it can be helpful to say it. Sit at the front of the classroom, as close to the teacher as possible, not at the back of the classroom.

If you are on the right arrow, there is construction or something near your home, and you don’t want to study at home. Going to the library is a good choice. But if it sounds far away and has been dispersed by buildings, it's usually fine. When listening to the teacher in the classroom, it is best to stay far away and sit at the back of the classroom. When it comes to eating, Right Arrow needs to get yourself in a flow and not overly focused, so don't stare at the lecturer while you study, your brain doesn't like that.

🟧Learn Type C6: Light

Day ⇦ / Night ⇨

If you are the left arrow of this group, it is suitable to study during the day.

On the other hand, at night, we study after the sun goes down.

In the section on diet, it is mentioned that the light is divided into direct (left) and indirect (right). If you are a right arrow, when you are in school, please stay away from windows and avoid direct sunlight, and the learning effect will be better. It is also best not to have any other artificial light sources pointed directly at you. Sandra really finds it difficult, just the fluorescent lights above the classroom...

If you are this type or child, would online courses be more suitable for you? I also invite you to think back to your student days, is that really true? Is it better to study at night?

When the room is not too bright, you will learn better with indirect light.

And don't have any cell phone or Wi-Fi signal nearby.

As for day type, people should sit near large windows and try to avoid artificial light. For them, it is better not to study after the sun goes down, and to do it during the day if possible. They need an area with plenty of natural light to learn best.

Okay, old saying: During an experiment, if you feel it's creating pressure and resistance for you, then stop.


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珊卓時間慢慢,炊煙緩緩,我們依然絮語呢喃, 對著自然對著動物對著晨光與銀河。 浪漫在我們腳下, 如同天上的鷹, 如同陽光在體內流動的樹。 而,我,一切美好,如同帶給我生命的源頭。
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