
A simple self-introduction, if you like it, welcome to communicate

I'm latteine Natine, currently a college student

living a life of confusion

Originally, I used blogger to beat my mood, but because too many people I knew saw it, I lost the secrecy of my original hope, so I turned to this platform.

Usually like to pour coffee, mix wine, make tea, and occasionally practice pen calligraphy, which is quite a casual person

Usually, I should occasionally post some mood essays, approaching the way of new poetry

I like to clean up on a whim, everything has its place, right?

First of all, glad to be in this group


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

latteine個人的小角落 心情、文字 平常和朋友說不出口的話 就自己對著樹洞裡說吧
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短文 | 最後的心有靈犀