Aesthetic body or manual treatment? Gym or sports therapy? |Your health always comes from your choices!


Manual therapy and exercise therapy are the most powerful weapons of physical therapists

Baker has also repeatedly mentioned this technology that is worthy of " own expense " in previous articles.

But I wonder if residents who continue to pay attention to Baker's articles will have a question:

Except for the National Martial Arts Hall, Rehabilitation and Tuina... It seems that there is a practice very similar to manual therapy...

That's right, beauty and body , especially the "body" part of it

It does have some similarities with manual therapy in physical therapy.

In addition, many people asked:

If you lack muscle strength and want to exercise, should you go to the gym or find a physical therapist?

Nowadays, many coaches actually have a certain understanding of human anatomy and physiology.

You can find them even when you don't seem to be feeling well

But in fact, there are essential differences between manual therapy and exercise therapy in physical therapy, beauty and bodybuilding and gymnasium.

soothing or healing

What the body is doing is actually using hands or equipment

Use some massage or drainage techniques,

Relax the muscles of the entire block , and at the same time, it can also achieve the effect of eliminating edema and so on.

With the help of essential oils, you can relax your mind and body

So many people with symptoms feel that they are done

will be relieved

The shoulders and neck are also relaxed, and the waist is not too painful

Suddenly became a regular

Baker has always mentioned the importance of " muscle relaxation "

A pain, a bad posture, a herniated disc, a compressed nerve, a disease...

will be involved in a series of " chain reactions "

One of them is "muscle tightness"

So if you also have some body aches and discomfort

If you don't want to do anything, you can directly find a way to relax the pain area and the muscles of the spine. It can also have a good relief effect.

In manual therapy, there are also many schools of thought that focus on muscle relaxation

For muscle connections, fascia, nerve-induced relaxation, and more

There are countless ways

It is conceivable that although doing beauty and body beauty can not relax the single muscle in question, it can also achieve a soothing effect.

But...only for " soothing "

This Baker also mentioned that there is no way to completely "cure" a certain section of the vicious circle simply by destroying it.

Because of other problems, the muscle tension will continue to occur.

So when you finish pressing your body and feel soft and soft, and feel that today's beauticians are doing really well, at the same time

Your muscles are also recovering a little bit of tightness

It could be a crooked joint, a pinched nerve, or other unnoticed muscle tension

This is what this bodybuilding course did not do.

So you keep going back and repeating what you think works.

In contrast, the bare hands of physical therapy focus on the right medicine

Evaluate your problem to find out why

Manual therapy for all aspects of these causes

So if you've done manual therapy (I mean done in physical therapy)

You'll see that we never relax our muscles in a big way

Because it's so inefficient

We still have things to do to loosen joints, loosen nerves, loosen muscles in other areas, etc.

Don't waste effort on unimportant muscles

Therefore, although the manual therapy cannot give you "relaxation of body and mind" for an hour (after all, there are too many things to do)

So you have to do it a few times

But these will keep you from continuing to spend money and time dealing with the body that you have screwed up

Baker isn't trying to tell everyone not to go for beauty treatments

Because physical therapists deal with the " disease " itself

to heal;

What the beautician does is " soothing "

Originally, it was a bare-handed effort to emphasize service.

So what really needs to be changed is the "mindset" of the guests or patients:

If you have " symptoms ", you must seek " freehand treatment " for the treatment of the disease;

But you just want to " relax and soothe ", just find " beauty and body "

The two do not conflict with each other, but they should not be confused, let alone "used in the wrong place"

If you want to find beauty and body for treatment, then you will only face the dilemma of constant recurrence;

It's not a big problem, find freehand therapy, we are also very black question marks, we don't know what to do for you

return to normal or beyond normal

As mentioned above, physical therapists treat

That is to say, when your muscle strength is insufficient, and it is less than "normal"

" Exercise therapy " is right for you

We can teach you how to train relatively weakened muscle groups according to your physical condition

Through some exercises, neural responses such as proprioception can also be trained

In addition, the " home exercise " is also designed for people who have mild symptoms or who want to take care of themselves early

The purpose is to let you, who have been left behind in physical function because of pain and discomfort, lag behind normal people.

Let you " return to normal " or remain normal

But going to the gym is a higher pursuit.

This is when you are in good shape and want to pursue:

Higher muscle strength, more sculpted muscles, more perfect posture, better cardiorespiratory endurance...

To achieve a better state than normal people by challenging their own limits

But you won't get sick if you don't exercise your body

In sports therapy and manual therapy, there are many fitness trainers or people who are exercising.

The reason is that these "overloaded" sports are sometimes prone to sports injuries

The injured muscles are not suitable for high-intensity training.

So at the moment you become " below the average person "

Manual therapy and exercise therapy are better options

So in fact, there are also many physical therapists who have switched to fitness coaches.

Apply what you've learned so your physiotherapist can take you through your training more safely

At the same time, it can also understand your condition in time when you are injured, and even help you treat

In other words, there is no conflict between sports therapy and the gym.

But still can't use it indiscriminately:

Going to the gym trying to solve your symptoms,

The result is that it is easy to cause more harm, and it will make the original symptoms difficult to heal;

Want a lean body, but find a physical therapist for exercise therapy

you'll see the black question mark again

all in all,

If you have symptoms, see a physical therapist;

I feel very tired after work today, so find a beautician;

If you want to develop big muscles like Dwayne Johnson, find a fitness coach

Come to us in a lower state than ordinary people, in order to solve your problem,

Let you face challenges with a healthy body,

When you want to relax your body, go to the beauty spa, you can get the relaxation of body and mind you want

Then I saw the young guy from my colleague showing off his muscles all day long, and he wanted to man himself.

Remember to persevere and go to the gym to find a trainer to help you

We work in our respective fields

For our case, these majors will definitely make you worth the money

So no one is better

just each have their own strengths

However, after chatting with friends who have worked hard in these two fields, I found that

I have come for beauty treatments a few times, but I always complain that my arms are sore and numb for many years.

Blame her for not pressing properly and wanting to change people;

I came to the gym to find a coach for a class, but I didn't tell me that I already had a sore thigh

On the contrary, the coach didn't pay attention and hurt her. It turned out that she thought that in the coaching class, the core will not hurt, and the feet will not be numb...

These are the results of not understanding the nature of our profession

So I hope all residents will adjust their mentality before choosing the place you want to go.

Physical therapists, beauticians, fitness trainers

They are all majors that we have worked hard to learn, and we are all willing to dedicate these technologies to you.

To give you a healthier body, a more relaxed mind and a stronger body

These are vital to you and me, irreplaceable

isn't it?

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I'm Baker, I'm a physical therapist, welcome to my country


Under the current health care system in Taiwan, no matter what the zodiac sign, the therapist will definitely write the word "world-weary" in the personality column.


Over time, the burning dream fire in my heart gradually went out, and "doing the 'teacher' and walking the meat" became a buff at the meeting before going to work every day . . .


But in my country, I hope my residents can see the real face of physical therapy and then understand, understand, and even love this profession that is "no less than any other medical technology" and "not just brainless operations" . . .


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