Practical English for Daily Life|Common English Proverbs 💬First ⭐

The new year brings you a new series - English Proverbs⭐ Want to make people feel that English is your native language? 💬This time I will introduce five simple English proverbs😊🎉 Just remember them~

New Year brings you a new series - English Proverbs⭐

Want to make it appear that English is your native language? 💬

This time, I will introduce you to five simple English proverbs😊

🎉 Just remember them~

1) Don't cry over spilled milk. 🥛

👉 to emphasize that it is not useful feeling sorry about something that has already happened

👉 Regret is useless for things that are a foregone conclusion;

📕Example sentences

It's no use crying over spilled milk - he's spent all the money, and there's nothing you can do about it.

There's no point in being sad - he's spent all his money, and there's nothing you can do about it.

2) Make hay while the sun shines. ☀️

👉 to make good use of an opportunity while it lasts

👉 Strike while the iron is hot, don't miss the chance

📕Example sentences

Make hay while the sun shines or you'll regret missing the opportunities in your life.

Take advantage of the opportunity, or you will regret losing the many opportunities in your life.

3) You reap what you sow.

👉 to win or lose as a result of something you did in the past

👉 Sowing melons reaps melons, and sowing beans reaps beans; good reaps good rewards, evil reaps evil rewards

📕Example sentences

Just watch the way you live your lifebecause you reap what you sow.

Look at the way you live your life now, because sow melons, and sow beans, and sow beans.

4) Two heads are better than one. 🧒🧒

👉 used to say that two people working together will achieve more than one person working alone

👉Three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang📕

It is better to work on something as a team than by yourself.

Working independently is not as good as working in a team.

5) Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 🥚👉 to depend for your success on

a single person or plan of action

👉 Go all out; put your eggs in the same basket

📕Example sentences

I'm applying for several jobs because I don't really want to put all my eggs in one basket.

I applied for several jobs because I didn't want to put all my eggs in the same basket.

📕Have you learned the above five proverbs? 👍

Using them will make other people's eyes bright~

It will also make your sentences more concise and more three-dimensional! 🥰

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