man pretending to be asleep on the way to awakening

Are you awake? Or pretend to sleep?
We can never wake someone who is pretending to be asleep unless he wants to wake up himself.

Accompanying some cases and groups recently, coupled with the changes I have experienced in the past two years, I feel a little bit. It seems that there are people like this around everyone. There is a big hole in front of him, but he just fell into it naturally, or just in front of him. A high wall is blocking but the invisible wants to smash through the wall. We always wonder whether such a person has a knot in his head? Or his eyes are out of the window?

This year, I have led several [financial and business board games], not only individuals but also work teams or corporate employees. Through the board game deduction process, I discovered my own financial blind spots and loopholes, and then can formulate improvement plans that can be implemented.

There are a few special cases, two of which are individuals and the other a group.

One player kept buying a sideline during the process. Even though her tablemates reminded her that she needed to rest and replenish to avoid sudden death due to insufficient points, she still insisted on buying it until she died suddenly due to lack of energy points.

I asked her, "Have you found out what caused you to die suddenly due to lack of energy?"

"Yes, doing too many side jobs, buying too many investments to use up energy and they told me to rest but I didn't," she said.

I said, "If you were asked to do it again, would you still do so many side jobs and buy so many investments?"

She thought about it and said, "Yes! Although I know I might die suddenly, I still want to do it!"

I said, "So is your real life like this?"

She said, "Yes, I've been a little tired recently, but I still want to do a lot!"

There are many people and events in life that remind us, but what choices have we made? What will be the result?

In another game, a player spent 2 points of energy to give birth to a child, and then drew a few cards because his friend lost money or energy, and also caused his energy to be less than -2 and died suddenly! She guided her to look back at the past. She said that it was exactly the same as her life. Several times because of her friends, she fell to the bottom of the rock, and she even found out that her child was about to take the same path in real life!

I looked at her and said, "Today's game is like a friend in your life , and a friend in defeat . If you are given a chance to come back to life without sudden death, you must use new thinking to complete the deduction!"

She thought about it and said, "Okay!"

When the game continued, everyone found that the content of her card draw was related to friends, but it turned out to be a positive card to gain money or energy!

"If you had a chance to come back to life, what attitude and method would you use to face life again?" At the moment when thinking changes, the future has begun to change!

Another case is the company team. At the end of the last game, I made an appointment with the person in charge of the company.

I said, "What have you discovered from these deductions?"

He said: "A certain employee's state during the game seems to be different from what he said. He usually says that he is very good. How can he be in any situation during the game?"

I said, " It's not just his situation, but your operations as well. "

  • An employee's financial statements in the game are messed up, so he must have a gap in his actual finances, and his behavior in the game shows that he himself let this financial gap affect the people around him, and even the company.
  • Companies are like horse-drawn carriages and do whatever they want, without operational consensus and executable plans and steps. ,
  • There should be hidden problems in the financial side of the company. It is not as good as it looks on the surface. Pay attention to whether it is making money or just receiving money?

The team of this company has shown the phenomenon of multi-headed carriages since the first deduction half a year ago. At that time, it was confirmed that the deduction results were indeed in line with the actual situation. At that time, it also pointed out possible hidden problems in the company's operation and suggested directions and methods that can be fine-tuned. However, the follow-up games continued to present the same problems and tended to continue to expand, so the person in charge was asked separately to remind the seriousness of the problem. The person in charge admitted that there were indeed some hidden worries in the past six months. Although the business seemed to be good on the surface, On the surface, the revenue seems to be good, but the net profit has not grown, and the atmosphere of getting along with colleagues in the company is indescribably strange.

I said: ask your company's accountant to check the accounts and the whole account! Clarify each income and expenditure, what should be in the company's account and what should not be in the company's account, and sort out everything clearly!

In the follow-up, the person in charge reported that the deduction of the financial and business board game made him face up to the problems of the company's operation, because only with suggestions and implementation plans can the company's operation mode be really improved, and he also found the problems of internal employees and made some rectifications. He also gave feedback. The situation of the employee in question, where the employee admitted to having financial problems and inappropriate behavior, but chose the same pattern to continue.

No matter what field it is, there are people who pretend to be asleep, maybe because they are temporarily unable to deal with the predicament, maybe they are used to the original pattern, maybe they are afraid of losing everything after changing, and these people who pretend to be asleep are very smart and know their own way. Where is the card, it's just...

Wake up and face the truth! Why don't you pretend to be asleep~ At least you can hide in your dreams to keep warm! When the warmth in the dream dissipates one day, they will wake up by themselves!

Perhaps, we ourselves are pretending to sleep in a certain field without knowing it...

Fan Page: See the world from the heart Line@: @103qozci


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