Reflections on the movie "Akira"|Japanese Cyberpunk Pioneers Miscellaneous


This morning I re-read Otomo Keyang's "Akira" Chinese translation is "Akira".

The 4k restoration version will be released in Taiwan on 6/24, and the loyal fans will not miss it.

I myself am also interested in watching movies. I occasionally went to the late-night coffee shop yesterday to get some new insights from conversations and discussions with Wenqing people. I don’t dare to say what I can express. This is the first time I picked this film with far-reaching influence. The Japanese animation film to write the experience made me begin to be very cautious.

After all, the topics discussed with the same type of sci-fi works are so similar but convey such a deep core. There are too many details that can be discussed.

It has influenced the development of Japanese cyberpunk science fiction works, among which the deeply influenced figures can be seen everywhere in the animation "EVA", which was my earliest contact.

Ruins, rebellious teenagers, apocalypse, destruction, religion, government conspiracy, disappearance of human beings, battles, explosions, disasters, anti-government, savior... and other elements are too similar, and "New Tokyo", 2020 year's imagination.

Science fiction works have mentioned more than once that when human beings have the result of surpassing their own abilities, the assumptions given by Akira are quite realistic, and when the mind cannot control the ability, it will lead to devastating abuse of ability.

At the same time, it involves the abuse of science and technology by human beings. When human understanding has sublimated to the level of divinity, it has the power of gods, which will inevitably lead to its own demise or disaster.

"The amoeba has the power of a human. It will not build like a human, but will only eat up all the food nearby." This sentence simply sums up Tetsuo's situation after gaining power.

The three lab kids finally wake up Akira on the ruins of the Olympics, hoping that he will take Tie Xiong away.

In the end, Tie Xiong was also attacked by his own unstable power, and finally it was a tragedy.

Different from the movie "Lucy", Tie Xiong only gained powerful strength, but he did not possess divinity, while Lucy assumed that after the human brain was developed to 100%, he also possessed omniscient divinity, including omnipotent divinity. The power, finally sublimated, became the truly omnipresent "God" in the population.

In the film version of "Ghost in the Shell", Motoko Kusanagi finally became a similar existence and was ubiquitous.


Let's talk about Jintian, Jintian has always been concerned about Tiexiong as a protector, but Tiexiong always thinks that he is a weak or a foil in front of Jintian, which makes him inferior, which leads to his own tragedy.

Jin Tian has always been a leader. His whole body is bright red, even his exclusive motorcycle, which highlights his free and unrestrained character.

As the protagonist, he does not have any special abilities, nor does he have super powers to compete with Tie Xiong like A Ting is controlled by the experimental three children.

He almost only has a bright red locomotive as his tool, trying to save Tie Xiong in his own way, and almost lost his life.

As the protagonist, he is the only person who is not obsessed with the power of the "Savior" Akira. In the whole film, he only wants to save his friends and return to the right track of life.

And his conflicted and tangled friendship with Tie Xiong is both friends and rivalry, similar to the close and secretly rivaling friendship between Lila and Lennon in "My Gifted Girlfriend".

He and Tie Xiong are dual protagonists who have a sense of duality and contrast with each other.


Anti-government organizations, protesters, and extremist religious organizations follow the ideal and salvation of "Akira". Akira has a bright meaning, and he is the culprit behind the destruction of Tokyo 31 years ago.

The background of the protests has a lot to do with the extremely extravagant bubble economy and the student movement in Japan when Otomo was young.

The protesters and extremist religious elements inside are strikingly similar to the world today. The turbulent world and crowds are extremely vulnerable to incitement, and religious groups take advantage of these opportunities to make waves and show their abilities in the city. when raging.

There are also rebels who tried to bring out the children of the laboratory several times in order to expose the corruption of the military, but saw Tie Xiong blindly obedient with destructive power in a corner of the street. This scene is extremely ironic.

They demand fairness, fight for rights and interests, but support new powerhouses with destructive power. Isn't human history repeating such a scene?

Japanese Cyberpunk and Walled City

Cyberpunk in Europe, America and Japan used to like to regard Kowloon Walled City as the best example of cyberpunk, and when I first wrote this, in addition to thinking about the release of the remastered version, it was also because I couldn’t sleep that day and I was addicted to the Internet. Jixing first started looking for all the information about Kowloon Village on YouTube.

Neon lights, red and blue two-color lighting, these terms are learned in the process of meeting new friends.

Neon traditional, Japanese signboards, and the contrast between the dilapidated old buildings and the bustling business district constitute a dirty sci-fi image of cyberpunk.

Last year, I was fortunate to visit Kowloon City before the events in Hong Kong got out of control. I also went to the bare ruins of the walled city, which has now become a park. At that time, I was shocked to see the old photos and models of the walled city on the introductory version. No wonder I tried my best at that time. The voices against demolition, although the demolition of the walled city is inevitable, it is the disappearance of an architectural wonder in the history of mankind. Although it remains in those documentaries and film materials of those years, it is a history that my descendants can no longer understand.

Sometimes it's all about watching these classic sci-fi works and trying to figure out what the rare anarchic spectacle in human history is all about.

Science Fiction and the Prophecy of the Present

I believe everyone should know that this movie accidentally and accurately predicted the suspension of the East Olympics, and it is also amazing that some sci-fi movies are true.

The more important one is the assumption of the future development of mankind, which is similar to the same type of science fiction works, indicating "destruction and new life".

Human history is a cycle of continuous overthrow, destruction, and reconstruction.

Then there is the result of technological development:

Perhaps it will be the destruction of the human race into the apocalypse and suffer the consequences.

Maybe it is after continuous and careful development that it finally becomes a "god", that is, human beings develop to the next dimension and become a civilization of higher wisdom, invisible to the naked eye, and will abandon the body (a bit old and high 😂, it will be very difficult to go on. fantasy).

Contemplation of God

In sci-fi works, there are many characters who are more powerful and ruthless. In other words, the closer a person is to God, the smaller and more rational their emotional fluctuations will be. Negatively, they are ruthless.

The three children in the movie, including Akira, became omniscient out of their own will, but they maintained strong emotional bonds and remained kind. They came forward to confront the dangerous Tetsuo, and sacrificed themselves to rescue Jintian, who should have nothing to do with the incident.

But Tetsuo's ability is abused, just like the arrogance of David in "Alien: Covenant" who believes that he can dominate the mystery of life.

There are two forms to show people's speculation about God (the omnipotent unknown power). One is that ordinary people think that God is rational and watches human beings from the perspective of God, and only intervenes when necessary, and is kind and selfless, without too many emotions. .

The other thinks that gods are just another people with great power. In addition to their great power, they still maintain the existence of "human nature". There is nothing special in essence, and the power will show its selfishness.

mad scientist

The doctor in the work is also a typical mad scientist who is obsessed with science and lets him play freely.

In order to satisfy achievement, curiosity, and finally die as a result of his own experiments.

Science itself carries dangers, which is repeatedly warned in every sci-fi film of the assumption that "if science has an accident...".

Satisfy curiosity and at the same time need to be cautious, scientific, ethical, and humanitarian.


I've rewatched the movie many times, and I haven't finished reading the comic version yet. I look forward to seeing the excitement of watching the movie again on the day the restored version is released.

It is indeed a masterpiece 32 years ago, and even the painting is so exquisite that it is impossible to imagine how this work was created in an age limited by technology, and it does not even lose any American science fiction.


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