Small talk|Physical pain

Haha super direct title! Talk about physical pain.

I was very busy a while ago, and due to the discomfort of my menstrual period, the article was delayed.
Decided to chat about "physical pain"!
Cover image credit: Photographer: RODNAE Productions , Link: Pexels .

I think I was lucky enough to have almost no pain during my teenage years, and I ran, jumped, and moved freely during my period.
At that time, my routine was relatively regular, and I didn’t eat junk food. Maybe these factors allowed me to spend a happy time without physical pain.

The first time I had physical pain was after a mid-term exam in high school. That day, my friend and I made an appointment to go to the show.
There was no warning at all and the stomach ache suddenly started before arriving at the destination, which I felt a little weird but didn't mind because it's never happened before.
When I got to the venue, I was so sore that I could barely stand up, so I could only squat on the ground.
The pain in the body itself is fine, I don't know why it hurts, and it makes me feel more irritable.
In short, I stayed until the end of the performance, and it was fine after a few hours of pain.
Maybe it was a lot of stress at that time? But then before the entrance exam, I should have more pressure, but I never felt any physical pain.

After I went to college until now, I stayed up late and ate some food that was not there.
All in all, it's "self-abuse"!
Backache and lower abdominal pain during the menstrual period are mild symptoms.
Very occasionally (about once every few years) there will be a severe physical pain, and most of the time it happens to be at home.

On one occasion, I was on a bus ride and suffered unpredictable pain.
When I first got into the car, my stomach didn't hurt at all.
There were no seats in the car, so I stood.
The morning commute is very crowded, and I usually put things like backpacks in the storage area against that railing.
The following is a schematic diagram↓

Source of basemap: The red stickman is where I stand.

The car was crowded with people, and suddenly, I felt my lower abdomen being pulled like a towel, and I was in a cold sweat.
I hurriedly searched for the tissue in my backpack and took it out to wipe the sweat.
Later, I couldn't even stand properly, so I could only support the storage area in front of me with my hands, praying that the bus would arrive at the destination as soon as possible.

At this time, a lady next to me patted me on the shoulder and asked, "Are you okay? Are you on your period?"
I tried my best to squeeze a little smile: "Well, it's okay."
He went on to say, "Would you like to sit down and take a break?" (some seats are already vacant)
Honestly, I didn't want to move half a step at all, and was about to get out of the car too.
So I shook my head, "Thanks, no, I'm getting out of the car soon."
Although I acted very calm, my heart was already bursting into tears! ! !
This lady is an angel! (exaggerate)
He didn't actually do anything special, but with a little caring greeting, I felt redeemed.
After getting out of the car, I squatted on the side of the road for a while before returning to a state where I could walk.

The above are some of my experience with physical pain that left a deep impression on me.
People who haven't experienced it can't really understand.
If you encounter people around you who are suffering from physical pain, please be more tolerant and considerate!
How do you relieve physical pain? Or do you have any special experience? Welcome to share with me!

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云云眾聲講述些芸芸眾生的故事。 想把喜歡的人、事、物推薦給你們;還有生活大小事的雜想吧!
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