Happiness can also be quiet

When you don't come, I'll just go ahead and practice the scriptures; when you come, I will love and depend on you; and in the moment when you come or not, I'll be like the rain outside the window Dropping time, silence.

Sati@Gary Hill; Photography: Teammates.

When I look up,
I heard the rain outside the window,
The sound of the dripping rain,
So quiet and calm,
flowed into the heart.

and heart,
Sometimes it's sunny, sometimes it rains,
just understand,
It turns out happiness,
It can also be like when the sky is sunny and rainy,
So quiet.

the day you don't come,
I'll just go straight, keep the scriptures in my hands;

the day you came,
I will love and depend on you;

And in the moment when you come or don't come,
I am like the tick of rain outside the window,

because of happiness,
The original can be so silent and flowed into the heart,
It could be,
So quiet.

#love and relationship awakening poetry collection


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Sati嗨! 大家好,我是Sati. Sati 是古印度的巴利文,意思是記得、憶起、專注與覺察、正念。我很喜歡這個名字,因為我的信仰就是【善】。 現在是自由工作者,分享文章、線上課程、靜心音檔,也從事親職教育課程講座與戲劇展演相關推動工作。
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