You are not alone in chasing dramas|Before you die, what do you care about most and want to say goodbye to?

Come on, the series is not alone in chasing dramas. Today, Brother Stone will take you to the terminal stage of cancer and face death. What will you worry about?
Image credit: Photo courtesy of Netflex

You are not alone in chasing dramas|Before you die, what do you care about most and want to say goodbye to?

Watch a movie, follow a drama, go to the screen, and feel the life of others!


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . I like watching a movie, chasing a play, and going to the play to experience the life of others. Today, Brother Stone will take you into a movie with extremely good reviews and extreme bullshit: "One For The Road", a Thai movie, to feel at the terminal stage of cancer, before dying, what will be the most important thing for you What about important things?

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♟ Recommended movie: "One For The Road Netflex"
♟ Push pit index: ★★★★★
♟ Recommended reason: Go to the movie to reflect, if death is coming, what is the most important thing to you? What are you still in a hurry to accomplish?

[A touching story of love and friendship that collided with each other and died]

1. The reflex of the heart:
One day last year...
I went off work to visit your well-being as usual. When I walked into the ward, you looked haggard and sad. You touched the short hair that was cut inexplicably and messed up. You didn’t know what was going on. I.
This scene is still engraved in my heart. I was speechless on the spot and didn't know how to comfort you. I also clearly felt that the world was so far away, that in the city where you forgot me, I still felt sad that your precious long hair was cut in a mess... .
see you again...
For you, I also make a super small flat head, I think this is the greatest degree of comfort for you. I touched your slightly messy short hair and asked you if I look good? You said softly: Dark sauce!

The purpose of life is not how long it is but how we use it. Many people don't live many days, but they live a long time. - Montaigne
Image credit: Photo courtesy of Netflex

Second, what makes the actor willing to give up his handsome body:
What kind of script was it that made Ice Natara willing to deliberately cut down on meals to make himself thin into sick ribs, and also trimmed his bald head to play the terminally ill actor Aood, how much courage and determination is required! Based on that alone, I think you should go to Netflex to find this movie and enjoy it.

If it's not a good movie, I'm really sorry for him. But after all, it is supervised by Wong Kar Wai, and the Thai film directed by Nata Wu Pampiriya, the director of "The Model Convict", also won the Special Jury Award at the Dance Film Festival. It really deserves its name.

3. Do you have such a close friend who is willing to accompany you to face death?
The moment the screen rose, I saw a shocking picture. Aood sat sickly in the retro car left by his father, deleting unnecessary phone numbers one by one, hesitating between the last phone numbers... He made a few calls one by one to the friend he thought he trusted the most, but they all rejected him, until a close friend named Boss (Tor Thanapob) was willing to suspend the operation of the New York bar for a month and fly back to Thailand to act as Aood's driver. Accompany him to visit Aood's ex-girlfriends one by one, return the items she sent before, and fulfill her last wish.

Image credit: Photo courtesy of Netflex

4. You thought that you would say goodbye one by one to fulfill your wish, but the truth is to reveal the pain in the hearts of ex-girlfriends one by one:
The plot is a bit similar to "Love and Break Up". By returning the items, I can say goodbye to the past with peace of mind. However, compared with these four ex-girlfriends, the fact is that the scabbed wound is turned over again. After the plot went to the back, it was unexpectedly turned around to find out the encounter, acquaintance and conflict between Boss and Aood. This turn is indeed a bit of a miracle, and it's up to you to uncover it yourself.

【in conclusion】

Going to the screen and feeling the life course of others is also a kind of learning . If you only had three months to live, what would you most like to accomplish? Do you also have such a good friend? Is he also willing to suspend the affairs at hand and accompany you to the end? The best part about the movie is that you can walk through your life in two hours, so that you can see through the world, and reflect on what it means to be rich and rich at the moment. Perhaps it is more realistic to be indifferent to the poor and humble, and to cherish the affection beside you?
At this moment, the teacher Zhang Xiaoyu said about Jobs.... In the last few years before his death at the age of 56, he left all the precious time he had to his family, how about you? Don't look back on the bad past...
Chuang, your splendid second life and third life! my friend .

🔥Follow up, everyone secretly learned workplace skills, how many did you miss?

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2. Let’s talk about preparing lessons|By taking advantage of the situation, we can break out of the situation and create a different path

3. Win a job | Interview, do you have any questions?

4. Win the job search | The interview for "Summer Internship" starts from the issuance of the invitation letter!

5. Summer Internship | What are the benefits you don't know about?


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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