Did you commission it? From Appreciating Citizens 1.0 to Appreciating Citizens Web3

Appreciate the new era of citizens, and unimportant little doubts

I remember that I joined liker.land when I was admiring Citizen 1.0. At that time, I worked hard towards the goal of saving 15,000 LikeCoins, because when I saved 15,000 LikeCoins, I could pay the annual fee and become a Civic Liker Classic . It’s a pity that the fashion was in the exploratory stage, and there were very few clappings. What I welcomed was not the first 15,000 LikeCoins, but the Citizens 2.0 .

This time, instead of paying by credit card in the past, Appreciate Citizens Web3 instead delegates at least 5,000 LIKEs to the "Civic Liker Appreciate Citizens" node to obtain the Appreciated Citizenship, which is a further step towards decentralization.

Appreciate Citizens Republic is currently holding a welcome event with prizes. During the event, becoming a "Citizens of Appreciation Web3" can get a POAP badge of Appreciation of Citizens Web3 . (See linked article for details)

I completed the commission today, but I have some doubts. Due to the insufficient amount (efforts to raise funds), the delegation is divided into two times (yesterday and today), but each time the delegation is completed, there will be 0.000000001 less, and the number displayed on the verifier node overview page and detailed page is different, I don't know if the overview page has rounding display Function.

Anyway, looking forward to the new era of Appreciation Citizens Web3 on February 21, I am very happy to witness Appreciation Citizens 1.0 to Appreciation Citizens Web3, I feel like growing up with a virtual friend and building a community.

Did you commission it? Join us in admiring Citizens Web3!

🌙 If you could pick me up

Instagram: @__akichen__
Youtube: Aki Studio
NFT: https://opensea.io/collection/aki-noah
Cooperation invitation: akichenw@gmail.com

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