The EU and the UK ban the sale of cool tobacco Wang Yuyang: I hope the Ministry of Health and Welfare will speed up the revision of the law


According to " VAPE Taiwan ", an online media for tobacco harm reduction in Taiwan, "smoking is harmful to health" is a familiar slogan for non-smokers. According to research , 75% of smokers in the world also know that smoking is harmful to health. , and therefore want to stop smoking cigarettes. Recently, the European Union and the United Kingdom jointly banned Menthol Cigarettes, and the European Union even offered a fine of up to 10,000 euros to shops that violated the law.

WHO FCTC anti-tobacco expert Wang Yuyang said: "The ban on cigarettes is not actually among the recommendations of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). strong side effects.” *Update 5/23: The World Health Organization stated on 5/22 that the ban complies with the provisions of Chapters IX and X of the WHO FCTC .

JTI supports the EU menthol cigarette ban. / Picture: Taken from the Internet.

This time, the EU and the UK strategically provide smokeless alternatives with reference to the EU Tobacco Product Directive (TPD), and gradually ban cigarettes. It is hoped that Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare can see the international tobacco harm control. A pioneer example, speeding up the revision of Taiwan's Tobacco Harm Prevention Act to protect the health of Chinese people and children, Wang Yuyang said.

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), the UK anti-tobacco charity, praised the UK's smoking ban and said: "Under the new law, the following three cigarettes or roll-your-own tobacco cannot be manufactured or offered in the UK: 1. Flavored filters, cigarette papers, packaging, capsules or other items, 2. Filters, cigarette papers or capsules containing tobacco or nicotine, and 3. Products that allow consumers to adjust the taste, texture or amount of smoke.”

"These flavors and aromas enhance the appeal of cigarettes and create the false impression that menthol cigarettes are less harmful to health than other cigarettes or tobacco," said a spokesman for the Spanish Ministry of Health and Welfare. "For this reason, some consumers choose to smoke cigarettes. Cigarette menthol rather than permanent cessation has a negative impact on your health and quality of life."

According to the Tobacco Free Taiwan Foundation (FSFT), Dr. Derek Yach, who has been engaged in anti-tobacco activities at the World Health Organization for over 30 years, mentioned his reasons for leaving the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the FSFT video: "Smoking cessation is preventable The number one cause of death, but because of the lack of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, smokers continue to smoke, and it is clear that tobacco companies are starting to innovate the industry, which is likely to reduce long-term risks.”

Derek Yach, President of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, explained why the foundation was founded 2019: There is no innovation in the medical industry.

The Taiwan Tobacco Harm Reduction Association (TTHRA) also quoted Dr. Derek Yach's video on why Harm Reduction is important. The video mentioned: "I see the benefits of Harm Reduction in other areas of public health." "What is Harm Reduction?" Harm? Harm reduction is accepting that we cannot achieve ideal perfection, because perfection is usually impossible in real people, in real life, and in real situations.” “So we must provide them with multiple alternatives to reduce their risk."

Dr. Derek Yach, Chairman of FSFW, Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, explains why Harm Reduction is important.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated May 31 each year as " World No Tobacco Day", and the theme of "World No Tobacco Day " in 2020 will be "Protect young people from tobacco industry manipulation and prevent them from using tobacco and nicotine" . WHO FCTC anti-tobacco expert Wang Yuyang said that in response to this year's World No Tobacco Day, Taiwan specially organized the " World No Tobacco Day, I refuse to smoke, I am proud " event with the Tobacco Free Taiwan Foundation, the Taiwan Tobacco Harm Reduction Association, and the Taiwan Weibo Tobacco Harm Reduction Independent Media. , hoping to convey the appeal of World No Tobacco Day against the use of cigarettes.

A promotional video for World NO Tobacco Day 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO). /Shadow: WHO Youtube channel.

Further reading:

ASH New Zealand submits 'Smoke Free New Zealand 2025' strategy report to government

Foundation for a Tobacco-Free World: Innovative new treatments are desperately needed in the anti-tobacco space

WHO supports the opening of e-cigarettes Wang Yuyang: Health is a basic human right

Menthol cigarettes ban May 2020: why the UK has banned menthols, and when the law changes

EU bans sale of menthol cigarettes from today, fines as high as €10,000 for shops selling them


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台灣威卜菸草減害網路媒體台灣威卜菸草減害網路媒體(VAPE Taiwan Inc.) 成立於2017年,是最具影響力的菸草減害產業(電子煙、加熱菸、尼古丁製品)中文媒體。身為菸草減害(Tobacco Harm Reduction)產業領導中文媒體,台灣威卜針對國際最新產業新聞、研究、國家資料進行收集、分析、翻譯、傳播,以實現無煙台灣的目標。
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【斗內金流系統啟動】綠界科技-退回黑箱菸防法 下架民主進步黨! ft. WHO FCTC菸草減害專家 王郁揚
