Si Kaoru | Peaceful Hometown ㈦111.8.25~111.8.27【Yuanli】

This diary-like record, I wrote the series of my feelings in my hometown, became a memoir of myself and my family
finally home

This time I especially want to go home, because the epidemic is also a work schedule. I booked three train tickets and refunded three times. I am very worried about my family, my father, mother, and brother. This family is the fetters of my life and my responsibility. It's big and a lot, but I've learned to adjust my mood.

calm the mind

Every time I go home, I go to my secret base for a walk. Yesterday morning I saw the sunrise. I was very happy, so I was ready to set off and walked to the land master near my home. We called him "Bogong". I lit the incense and said goodbye. I asked Uncle to protect the three of them safe and healthy, and left with red eyes.

sunrise and dawn

secret base
road in the morning

Forested trail

But I met my aunts face-to-face, and they happily greeted me when I came back. They didn't listen to my mother, so I told them that I decided to go home temporarily, didn't tell her, and gave her a little surprise. Stepping on a familiar road, looking at a green paddy field, I have infinite feelings in my heart. I have always been very unfamiliar with my hometown when I was a child. , grave sweepers are all male representatives.

Of course, Dad had planned a long time ago that the houses he bought were all in the names of older brothers and younger brothers, but he also made him feel insecure. He was deeply afraid that the children would be unfilial. There is a deep gap. Many times you only see the surface of things, you will have emotions, but if you think about his experience in the process of life carefully, you will understand why he cares so much and why he is so persistent.

Climb high and look far
Close to nature

I walked up to the high point observation deck in the Yuanli Plain, climbed high and looked into the distance, looked up at the sky, lowered my head and stroked the whole countryside, the whole scenery came into view, breathed the green grass fragrance of the grass, watched the phoenix tree bloom bright red, and felt the passion like a flame , the petals fall to the ground, which is extraordinarily beautiful. Walking in the green, listening to the birdsong, my mood is instantly open. In the vast land of the Liaoyuan, an idea suddenly flashed in my heart, and I want to share this idea with my parents. .

ㄧ piece of green

listen to the voice

As soon as I got home, my parents were in the living room, and I told them what I was thinking. They had small comments about my brother and a big misunderstanding of my brother. I told them that my father was a doctor and didn’t listen to the doctor’s orders, and my mother cooperated. During the performance, I reduced the dose of medicine myself, which caused my father's kidney function to decline rapidly, and my brother was about to die of anger. Because of my father's health, he gave up his budding love and career, and his father disliked him. I replaced my brother and told him about him. They were stubborn and unable to communicate, so the younger brother had to strictly stop their behavior, because if you told them well, they would never listen, but they were angry at the younger brother's attitude toward them.

I ask them to think about the reasons behind the anger of the younger brother. I hope they can take good care of their bodies. Now they can do their own things. In fact, they are very happy. Don't let everyone's emotions be like a powder storehouse. When you can't take care of yourself, it really depends on other people's faces. Don't do things that you are forced to do. You can't force your body. Please cooperate with your younger brother. Now few young people are willing to accompany their parents. Please cherish them and keep the distance between them. get closer.

long-lost sing

Singing with my parents in the afternoon, I can feel that my parents are very happy. I go home to accompany them. After all, my brother is not married, so I can't understand the feeling of being a parent. I can feel the feeling of being a parent only when I become a mother. And in the face of the children's mood changes, I promised them that I would try to find a time to go home so that the three of them could have some breathing time.

This time I went home and finally went to the annual "Ghost Gate Night Market" in Yuanli Town, Miaoli County. On the July 29th day of the lunar calendar, the Pudu ceremony was held, attracting a large number of vendors to enter. Market", with the macaron umbrella sea and lighting, it has a special atmosphere, the whole is very beautiful, and it is very easy to photograph.

Yuanli Railway Station

"Taiwan version of Shenyin Girls Market"

This day should be the most popular day in Yuanli. There are really many people. Unexpectedly, the "Taiwan version of Shenyin Girls Market in Yuanli" has become a hot news in the past few days. I really found that more and more people know this town. , In my perception, my hometown is still peaceful and full of the colors of nature. As long as I set foot on this land, I always make my heart very calm. I have painted a lot of Zentangle paintings in the past few days when I got home, and my heart is very special. Focus.

Zentangle 1

Zentangle 2

Zentangle 3
Zentangle 4
Zentangle 5
Zentangle 6
Zentangle 7
Zentangle 8

This Zentangle painting made my heart very quiet and focused, which made me addicted to crazy these days. Using the existing pen and only color to draw Zentangle is really healing.


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si薰金融業的我 斜槓人生 面對未來,換一種心情 面對工作,换一種思維 面對自己,誠實以對 面對別人,輕鬆以對 新的年度,新的目標
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