"Cristiano Ronaldo slams boy fans mobile phone incident complete lazy bag" + follow-up

2023WBC 世界棒球經典賽
The famous Premier League club Manchester United lost 0-1 to Everton Club recently. The Portuguese superstar Ronaldo was filmed when he left the field and broke the mobile phone of the boy fan, causing a public outcry. full report
"Cristiano Ronaldo slams boy fans mobile phone incident complete lazy bag" + follow-up

"Cristiano Ronaldo slams boy fans mobile phone incident complete lazy bag"

  • On Saturday, 4/9, Cristiano Ronaldo left the field and shot down a boy fan who was filming the player's mobile phone
  • The mum of a 14-year-old fan with autism accuses Manchester United superstar Ronaldo
  • After the incident, Ronaldo, 37, apologized and offered to meet the mother and son
  • Boys fans refused - CR7 removed as ambassador by Save the Children
  • Ronaldo's apology was criticized by some as insincere
  • Merseyside Police have launched an investigation into the incident
  • Manchester United responded that this was a personal matter for the players and made a preliminary response to whether to prolong the club
  • Ronaldo hides in back seat and distances himself from spotlights as he leaves Manchester United training

The incident of "Cristiano Ronaldo slams the boy fan's mobile phone"

On Saturday, 4/9 Taiwan time, Manchester United visited Everton at home for the 32nd round of the Premier League 2021-22 season, and the famous door from Manchester City unfortunately lost 1:0 to the latter team Everton. After Ronaldo left the field and approached the player tunnel, he waved the mobile phone of a 14-year-old boy fan who was filming the players leaving the field, causing the boy's hand injury and damage to the mobile phone. Because the shooting behavior is so normal that many people have recorded the incident, and the news caused a public uproar.

14-year-old fan's mother accuses Ronaldo of bruising his son's back

"Cristiano Ronaldo slams the boy fan's mobile phone" after the event

After the incident sparked mixed comments, Ronaldo took to Instagram on Saturday night to apologise for his actions and invited the mother and son to Old Trafford to watch the game in hopes of a meeting.

"Dealing with emotions during the difficult times we face is never easy. However, we must always be respectful, patient and set an example for all young people who love this beautiful game," he wrote on Instagram.

"I would like to apologise for my 'outbreak' and if possible I would like to invite this supporter to a match at Old Trafford as a sign of fair play and sportsmanship."

Ronaldo apologized and expressed hope to meet with each other

Fan family interviewed

Sarah Kelly, the mother of Everton supporter Jack Harding, a 14-year-old boy with autism, told the Liverpool Echo that they rejected his invitation and the boy's parents believed it should be left to the boy because he was the The parties, and the boy said that he did not want to be present or to see Ronaldo, they thought that they "did not owe him a favor".

Jack Harding's mum Sarah Kelly added: "In my opinion, if someone beat him up in the street and then let us go to dinner, we wouldn't. Just because he's Cristiano Ronaldo, why should we? Do it? Like we owe him a favor, but I'm sorry, we don't.

"We turned down the offer to go to Manchester United because Jack didn't want to go there and he didn't want to see Ronaldo. He's made it very clear. It's not what I mean, it's what my son means.

"It affected him more than it did to me, so I left it all to him and let him decide - he didn't want to go to Manchester United, he didn't want to go to Ronaldo. All I'm saying now is it In the hands of the police'.

Merseyside Police are investigating the incident

Merseyside Police are investigating the incident, reviewing CCTV and "carrying out an extensive witness inquiry" and calling for more information from witnesses. They also issued a statement saying they were in touch with both clubs. A United spokesman later confirmed that the club would actively cooperate with the FA and police investigations.

Follow-up of "Cristiano Ronaldo slams the boy fan's mobile phone"

After the incident, there were positive and negative reports. Some people claimed that fans should not deliberately shoot Ronaldo's injured foot, and the fan's mother said that they did not deliberately shoot, but her son was autistic. Put down the phone and try to see clearly what happened to Ronaldo"

Cristiano Ronaldo (left, not visible) tried his best to avoid the cameras on Tuesday afternoon

And Cristiano Ronaldo's feelings after the incident, maybe the whole season, and this incident are so tired. After Manchester United's training on Tuesday, it is rare for media reporters who did not drive by themselves but asked a bodyguard to drive and avoided the interview. You can see Tired of leaning his head against the car window.

Police are investigating the Manchester United star who appeared to want to avoid the spotlight after he smashed a mobile phone from the hands of an autistic young Everton fan on Saturday.
Police are investigating the Manchester United star who appeared to want to avoid the spotlight after he smashed a mobile phone from the hands of an autistic young Everton fan on Saturday.

On the other hand, foreign netizens are full of polarized views on the incident. One faction is biased towards Ronaldo. They believe that "the fans' actions are just to ask for money, and they shouldn't put their mobile phones out to shoot like this. No one likes injuries and bad performances. The other side of the netizen thinks, "In any case, this is just a child, as a public figure should not do this, even the other party has no malicious intentions"

Further reading:


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