Celebrate Father's Day! Use 9 【Father Phrases in English】to explore various father images

Father's Day is coming, there are many phrases and idioms to describe father in English, how much do you know? What is a grandfather clause? a chip off the old block? twinkle in one's father's eye? In addition, what kind of father figure is the father figure, sugar daddy, and deadbeat dad? Let's explore 9 kinds of 【Father's English Phrases】to see some interesting idioms and usages!

Article source: Takeaway English official website


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Father's Day is coming, there are many phrases and idioms to describe father in English, how much do you know? What is a grandfather clause? a chip off the old block? twinkle in one's father's eye? In addition, what kind of father figure is the father figure, sugar daddy, and deadbeat dad? Let's explore 9 [Father English Phrases] together to see what interesting idioms and usages are there. Without further ado, look down immediately, you can also become a master of using English phrases related to "father"!

Image by blanca_rovira from Pixabay

Father English Phrase 1: father figure

figure is the meaning of person, appearance, and grace. A father figure is a respected elder or leader because he provides advice and help like a father.

Cambridge Dictionary explains: an older man who you treat like a father, especially by asking for his advice, help, or support
Example: Mr. James is the father figure as far as the child is concerned.
In the child's mind, Mr. James was no different from his father.

Father English Phrase 2: a chip off the old block/like father like son

A chip is a chip, a block is a piece of wood, a chip off the old block The wood chips cut from the wood have the same texture or characteristics, just like the Chinese saying "it's just carved out of a mold", which means that the appearance and behavior resemble that of a father. A person who is a mother, but usually refers to a son who is exactly like his father, equivalent to like father like son, or like mother, like daughter, like mother, like daughter.

Cambridge Dictionary definition: someone who is very similar in character to their father or mother
Example: Your son is a chip off the old block. I think he's going to be a good person just like his father.
Your son and your husband are printed in the same mold. I think he's going to be as good as his dad.
Jim is really kind and always gives his seat up for a lady. Like father like son.
Jim was really kind and always gave way to a lady. Like father, like son.

Father English Phrase 3: twinkle in (one's) father's eye was not born

twinkle means flickering, momentary. This phrase comes from a lyric when you were a smile on your mother's lips and a twinkle in your daddy's eye, which describes the joyful expression a father has before his mother is in love, that is, things happen before your mother gets pregnant, before you before birth.

Cambridge Dictionary Definition: at a time before someone was born
Example: I never knew my grandparents—they died when I was a twinkle in my father's eye. I never knew my grandparents. They died before I was born.

Father English Phrase 4: not your father's

Very modern and no longer expected or used by older generations. If someone tells you that this car is not your father's car, this car may have revolutionary new technology that the previous generation has never seen, such as the car can float in the sky or on the water.

Cambridge Dictionary explains: very modern or updated; no longer what an older generation would expect or be used to
Example: With wireless Internet and touch-screen monitors integrated into the desks in each classroom, this is certainly not your father's high school anymore.
Now that every classroom table is equipped with Wi-Fi and touchscreens, this is definitely not your parents' high school.
Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

Father English Phrase 5: founding father

founding father refers to the founder of an important institution or idea; when the phrase is capitalized, it can refer to the founders of the United States, especially members of the United States Constitutional Convention.

Cambridge Dictionary explains: someone who establishes an important organization or idea; one of a group of men who started the United States as a country and wrote its constitution
Example: Alan Newell was the founding father of artificial intelligence.
Alan Newell is the founder of artificial intelligence theory.

Father's English Phrase 6: the granddaddy of the ancestors

When we say that something or someone is the granddaddy of, we mean that they set a precedent, the most important or the greatest example.

Cambridge Dictionary explains: the biggest, most important, or most powerful event or person of their type
Example: That was the granddaddy of all typhoons, according to the weather forecaster. According to the weather forecaster, that was the granddaddy of all typhoons.

Father's English Phrase 7: grandfather clause

The grandfather clause "grandfather clause" is a legal term that refers to a non-retroactive clause. The law only applies to acts after its entry into force, and does not apply to acts before its entry into force. The phrase stems from the history of discrimination against blacks in the United States, when a clause was added to the constitutions of some southern states that exempted whites from unrestricted voting rights while denying blacks the right to vote. If someone benefits from a grandfather clause, you can say they have been grandfathered in.

Cambridge Dictionary Solution: a part of a new law or rule that allows someone to continue to do or to have something that a new law or rule makes illegal
Example: Guns purchased before the ban were protected by a grandfather clause.
Firearms purchased prior to the ban are protected by a no-retrospective clause.

Father's English Phrase 8: sugar daddy

English slang for godfather or Kaizi dad, usually refers to an older man who gives gifts or money to win the favor of a young woman. For example, if you use foster care in exchange for a relationship, a woman who is under care is called a sugar baby. If there is more than one godfather, the secondary The godfather is called side daddy; if it is replaced by the woman, it is called sugar mama.

Cambridge Dictionary explains: a wealthy, usually older man who gives money or gifts to a younger person in return for sexual favors or companionship
Example: All she wants is found herself a sugar daddy. All she wants is to find a sugar daddy.

Father English Phrase 9: deadbeat dad

Deadbeat refers to a person who fails to pay his debts, while a deadbeat dad refers to a father who is not responsible. A father who refuses to pay child support to his separated or divorced wife and children is a kind of person that American society despises.

Merriam dictionary definition: a father who owes money to his former wife to help raise their children but does not pay it
Example: He was described as a 'deadbeat dad' for failing to provide financial support for his son. He was described as a 'deadbeat dad' for failing to provide financial support for his son.
Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

Summary: 9 [Father English Phrases]

Now let's summarize, we learned 9 English phrases related to "father" today:

  1. father figure
  2. a chip off the old block/like father like son
  3. twinkle in (one's) father's eye
  4. not your father's
  5. founding father
  6. the granddaddy of ancestors
  7. grandfather clause
  8. sugar daddy
  9. deadbeat dad

The above are 9 kinds of [English phrases for fathers]. It turns out that there are quite a few idioms related to fathers. I believe that everyone can use these phrases related to fathers in the future. I also wish fathers all over the world "Happy Father's Day" Happy Father's Day"!

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