The four hundred and seventy-first day of Perth Diary, which is more important, independence of personality or correct three views

I have previously shared my views on the three outlooks: values, outlook on life, and world outlook, and I have also shared my views on personality independence and the two awakenings of life. In this sharing, I want to talk about and record my differences and connections between the Three Views and Personality Independence.

A person's three views and the path of personality independence are more like two parallel development routes, and it is undeniable that there will be positive and negative influences on each other.

For example, in the MBTI test, everyone can measure a personality trait that belongs to them. I am not saying that the MBTI test is extremely accurate, but it does have a certain degree of guiding significance. For example, my description of the personality traits of my current protagonist is Admittedly, even I have gradually embarked on the employment direction based on the analysis of this personality characteristic. These directions really make me feel more satisfied.

My understanding of the three views

But I think the personality traits measured based on the Three Views values will actually change. After an independent personality, a person will become more confident and firm in his own values. The path of life is gradually becoming clear. This is the first awakening of life. Under this situation, the value of the three views will be more stable.

The three views before personality independence are not clear and stable enough, and more often, opinions based on some facts will actually be left and right, which will cause the personality characteristics that match one's own to actually swing from side to side.

Before the personality is independent, a person cannot find enough firm strength from his heart, so he needs the support of external beliefs, such as religion, tests such as MBTI, and counseling, all of which can make people feel confident about themselves. When the belief is not firm enough, get external support.

But when the personality is independent, a person will follow the call of the heart more, and will no longer pay so much attention to other people's opinions. The impact on one's own life no longer needs the support of external beliefs. An independent personality People must have formed their own ideas and subconscious minds in their hearts, and they must have a source of energy that can be obtained only by relying on themselves.

On the Independence of Personality

At this time, the three outlooks are gradually formed, and it is difficult to be shaken again. Shaken again will only rely on reflection and adjustment in experience. Run wildly on the road, don't run to the end and don't stop, but if you don't feel happiness in the process, reflection can make this person go back to the crossroads of his outlook on life, looking for other possible directions to follow his heart. But if you don’t have the ability to reflect, it may be difficult to change. Of course, if there is a humble self-correction ability in one’s values, one’s life will always improve, and self-correction defects are better toward the outlook on life. goal forward.

Based on the independence of personality formed under the different three views, I think we can start to introduce the concept of seeking common ground while reserving differences. Before the independence of personality, it is impossible to mention seeking common ground while reserving differences in the outlook on life that even has self-doubt. People who have not yet independent personality are highly crushed, but when you are still confused and self-consistent when doing things, seeking common ground while reserving differences is more used for self-protection, when your own views are threatened, you cannot be logical and reasonable Self-protection when explaining.

It is indeed difficult to change the three views. Whether a person is kind, humble, and loving is initially formed under the influence of the original family, and gradually established after adulthood. It will only get twice the result with half the effort if you want to repair yourself after forming.

But it does not mean that they no longer have the ability to change. For example, a person may have a natural liking for lying, may not take his own words seriously, does not regard keeping promises as self-discipline, and will change his ability to promise at any time according to his current situation , This is actually a little cleverness, but wisdom is disregarding the current situation, no matter what kind of loss there is in the present, it is hard for a gentleman to recover, because such wisdom will bring this person a better future.

Therefore, there are always wiser choices for the Three Views, and a person can eventually have more and more intelligent Three Views.

Personality independence is more about the firmness of a person's inner world, and a more intelligent three views will allow a person to seek a more meaningful life. If you follow wisdom in reality, you will definitely suffer at the moment, because It won't be an option for most, but only if you stick with it long enough to see it stand out.

The more and more intelligent three views will promote the second awakening of people, help others, benefit others, seek the continuation of thoughts, instead of just living one's own life selfishly, many people will say that living is meaningful and making money A better life is meaningful, but it is obviously inferior to the meaning of life that benefits others. There are many cases to prove which one can stand the test of reality.

I haven't seen an independent sample of personality that regards material as the direction of life, because the direction is wrong, which can be seen, let alone a person who uses it to convince himself that he is firm enough to have an independent personality.

Everyone will gradually form their own three views. Facing the test of practice, we can distinguish which one is more intelligent and more able to stand the test of reality. If everyone can adjust their outlook on life to be more intelligent, they will naturally walk less. More detours.

And personality independence will gradually form as a person pays more attention to his inner needs, and personality independence can be gradually trained and learned.

The more intelligent three outlooks require more, kind values, humble reflection ability, empathy, fraternity to love others as you love yourself, firm and brave practice of thinking and action, these abilities are not only based on caring about yourself needs can be met.

So I began to slowly discover that in terms of the priority of importance, the Three Views are more valuable directional guidance.

Of course, the reality is that it is extremely rare to meet someone with a relatively independent personality. In reality, if you encounter the choice of sticking to wisdom, you will face more hardships in life, and it is already a luxury to grow up strong and independent.

Philosophical theories are always difficult to practice because they require more discernment than wisdom, but if we persevere and practice philosophy, we can all have a happy, fulfilling and meaningful life.

I record my thoughts here, and openly share my thoughts. I hope that those who are destined can follow the changes in my thoughts. I thank everyone who has read this far for willing to take the time to walk with me.


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自由潜水教练olivier毕业于985计算机硕士,30岁后放下国内的所有,追求自由的新人生,思想于04年翻墙,肉身在18年才跟上了思想的步伐。曾在菲律宾教授自由潜,独居在malapascua岛的两年获得了思想的升华,目前移居在西澳大利亚perth。 希望通过分享我自身在自我流放中的感悟,带给他人更多的思考。 所有未注明出处的文章均为原创,谢绝私自转载。 本平台文章包括我自己的微信公众平台文章的备份以及审核不过的文章。
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