Block World | Why does the Wirex coin continue to rise in the falling market?

YK @一杯咖啡的生活
Can a friend with a Wirex card tell us?

Recently, many cryptocurrencies have fallen very badly, and I believe that many friends who hold coins will feel uneasy, especially those who buy a lot of coins at a high level. I hope the bear market cold wind will end soon🙏

There are risks involved in investing and trading, and everyone should know that. The most important thing is not to be greedy, and don't always think about getting rich overnight. Keep in mind that "greedy words will make you poor".

I have met some friends in the currency circle, and they will remind newcomers not to put their net worth All in. It is best to use the remaining money to invest, and reinvest what you can earn. The investment amount is based on the principle that if you lose it, it will not make you unable to eat or sleep.

In the cryptocurrency world, there are many ways to earn coins. And what I use most is to pledge Stake to earn annual interest. Compared with other high-risk methods, although the benefits are not much, it wins in stability. Compounding effect, get rich slowly.

I'm not interested in ways to earn cryptocurrency by buying low and selling high. I like to earn coins through "jobs" like writing at Matters, etc. The advantage of earning coins with "labor" is that the funds you have will not be used, which can reduce the risk of large losses. But you have to invest time and energy.

Among the falling red numbers, a green number appears, which is the wxt coin used by the Wirex credit card. I have not researched why the wxt currency will rise, and I would like to ask those who have researched to give advice. I only know that it has not fallen with the market during this period.

I have a Wirex card and I also have a card. Many people think that Wirex is an entry-level version of cryptocurrency credit cards, because the application threshold is easy, and there is no requirement to pledge a certain number of coins for half a year.

I think both cards have their own advantages. If you don't have a credit card with cryptocurrency, you can apply for a Wirex card first and experience using cryptocurrency to pay for daily consumption. Spend with Wirex card, there will be wxt coins back to the card owner.

Interested in applying for a Wirex card, you can use my referral link , thank you🙏

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