English Notes | Look at, See, Watch

Three common mistakes

The above is the foreign teacher I have found to explain the most clearly, and I greatly promote her channel 😉 If you think it is too slow, you can open X1.2

Image credit: https://poligo.com/en/articles/vocabulary/how-use-see-look-and-watch-english
Image credit: https://poligo.com/en/articles/vocabulary/how-use-see-look-and-watch-english

This is the most complete chart. I think if you want to master the usage as quickly as possible, you can just make a sentence directly, and then give it to someone who is good at English to change it, and you can quickly know where your problem is.

I want to share the difference between these three views because I found out that I would use the wrong language in a foreign teacher's speaking class. When I want to say

I like to look at beautiful buildings and would say

I like to watch beautiful building.

But a watch is usually something that moves or lasts for a while

EX: I like to watch people when I sit in a café. I use watch because people or the TV screen will move or watch for a while.

So this sentence is written as

I like to see beautiful building. It means that I like to see beautiful buildings, but it does not mean that I am looking at this building at the moment, it will be more reasonable.

If you want to use Look at, write I like to look at the mark on that beautiful building. would be more appropriate, because look at has the meaning of staring, and it will be weird to just look at the building.

The more I learn recently, the more I find English interesting, so I want to share it, but if there is anything wrong, please tell me~~~ I'm still in the process of learning😊


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