my cousin


I don't know how close my cousin is to our family. I only know that since I was a child, when I go to my grandmother's hometown for New Year's greetings, I always go to their house. She has the same last name as my grandmother and is three or four years older than me.

When I was a child, I heard my parents say that my cousin was very poor. Aunt Biao had a dystocia when she gave birth to her. Although she was born smoothly, Aunt Biao could not be rescued and died like this.

The uncle's family was originally poor, coupled with the premature death of the aunt, and the young cousin to take care of, at that time the uncle's family was a family, and it was quite difficult. Fortunately, with the help of the village neighbors, relatives and friends, the cousin finally pulled the cousin up.

Originally, my life did not overlap with my cousin. After all, my grandmother's hometown was far away. About when I was in fifth grade, my second uncle went to my grandmother's hometown and saw that my cousin was going to drop out of school because of very difficult life. .

My cousin also studied on and off at the primary school in my hometown for a few years. The second uncle thought that she was too old and not suitable for the lower grades, so he arranged to study with me in the fifth grade. In this way, my cousin and my life began to intersect.

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Although my cousin has been studying for a few years, compared to us in the same grade, the foundation is relatively poor, and the class is very difficult. However, the second uncle told the teachers about her family situation in advance. The teachers were very sympathetic to the cousin's life experience, and they often took care of her in class. My cousin knew that her opportunity to study was not easy to come by, so she was very serious and hard-working in class. In the second half of the semester, her grades gradually caught up.

When I come home from school in the afternoon, my cousin will help my second uncle with some housework, such as mowing hog grass, feeding pigs, cleaning and so on. I often go with her too. I remember one time, when I was cutting hogweed with her, my foot was accidentally slid open by the glass, and there was a lot of blood. She panicked at the time, ran home and called my mother, and took me to the hospital together. In the hospital, the doctor gave me stitches. She looked sad and shed tears. Now every time I see the scar on the sole of my foot, I think of the experience of the injury and the worried and sad expression of my cousin.

However, in the second year of junior high school, my cousin said that there was no one to do at home and did not want her to study any more. Although my cousin wanted to study very much, she was still taken away by her uncle. I remember the day I left, my cousin cried very sadly, but she didn't resist fiercely because she knew the situation at home.

Shortly after returning to my hometown, I heard from my parents that my cousin found a matchmaker and betrothed her to a family in the same village. I heard that the family was of average family and the man was several years older than her. At the time, I couldn't understand why my cousin wanted to marry her off so ruthlessly. As I grew up, I gradually understood what he did, but I felt sorry for my cousin. Alas, they were all harmed by the rural people's selfish and short-sighted concept of valuing sons over women.

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Later, my cousin gave birth to two children. When I saw her again, I felt that she had lost the innocence of a young girl prematurely. She has completely undertaken the housework of the whole family, and her eyes reveal confusion about the future, not the longing that young people should have.

I also saw her once at the beginning of this year, maybe because my family had built a new house, and she looked much better. As the children grew up, it felt like her hard days had come to an end. Although she had a miserable childhood, she never gave up and kept working hard. I sincerely wish her all the best in her future life.


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