Canadian reunion immigration and application for family immigration policy content

Canada is one of the countries with more humane considerations for family reunification. The Canadian government reserves a certain quota every year for family reunification immigration applicants. But this visa application has been suspended for a long time since the outbreak. However, according to the projected immigrant population quota plan for 2022-2024 announced earlier by the Canadian Immigration Service, they have reserved about 100,000 places each year for reunion immigration applications. Among the reunion immigrants, there are also partners, parents, grandparents, and children. Among them, the number of quotas for the parent and grandparent immigration program is relatively small, and it is a matter of course that it will become a very popular program.

When young people go out to work hard, they just want to bring a better home to their families. Therefore, many people want to bring their parents and even grandparents back to live with them even after immigrating. The Canada Reunion Immigrant Visa gives these individuals a great opportunity to reunite with their children or family abroad faster, easier and more directly.

Parent and child immigration reunion immigration application conditional visa

To sponsor a family member or partner to join Canada, applicants must meet the following qualifications:

  • 18 years or older
  • be a permanent resident of Canada or have Canadian citizenship
  • Live in Canada or be able to demonstrate that they intend to live in Canada
  • no criminal record
  • All immigration loans, performance bonds, etc. are paid on time
  • A commitment is required to take care of the dependant for a certain period of time, depending on the age of the person it sponsors, relationship to the applicant, their city of residence, etc.
  • Spouse or partner: 3 years
  • Dependent children: 10 years or until age 25 (whichever is earlier)
  • Parents: 20 years
  • Prove that you are able to provide financial support for a certain period of time to the family or partner you sponsor, that is, the sponsor’s tax-reported income for the past 3 years must meet certain requirements (if the sponsor’s income does not meet the requirements, the sponsor’s spouse or legal common-law partner can also act as a co-guarantor)
  • (Note: The size of the family includes the applicant itself, that is, if the son sponsors both parents to Canada, the family size is 3; if the couple jointly sponsors one of the parents, the family size is 4.)

List of Financial Needs of Immigrant Sponsors of the Whole Family (CAD) (Data reference for 2018-2020)

Family size (including applicant)

Income (2020)

Income (2019)

Income (2018)


How family members immigrate to Canada and the types of reunion immigration

Parent/Grandparent Sponsored Visa

The Parent or Grandparent Sponsorship Program has a specific application period each year, usually in January of each year. If you miss this application period, you will have to wait another year before submitting your application. Therefore, it is very important to prepare the required documents as early as possible in order to avoid unexpected delays in the application. Once the application is successful, the parents or grandparents can have Canadian permanent residency.

When making an application, applicants (i.e. children or grandchildren) need to make a commitment and provide proof that they are capable and willing to take care of their parents or grandparents, and can provide the basic daily needs of the dependants to avoid them Apply for social assistance provided by government social welfare agencies.

Dependent Eligibility Visa

  • Parents, adoptive parents, step-parents or grandparents of Canadian permanent residents or citizens
  • Parents may bring their children under the age of 22 to Canada with them

Parent and Child Canada Dependent Immigrant Visa

Dependent Eligibility

  • Applicant's children, stepchildren, adopted children
  • under the age of 22
  • single person
  • 22 years of age or older who can demonstrate that they were unable to become financially self-sufficient due to a physical or mental disability before the age of 22

Spousal Sponsored Canada Visa

In principle, it is the same as other relative sponsors, but the applicant who is issued a sponsorship has an additional condition. The sponsor must have lived in Canada for five years before they can sponsor their spouse or common-law partner to apply to Canada. Even if the applicant is successfully naturalized as a Canadian citizen during this five-year period, they must wait five years before applying.

Dependent Eligibility

  • Applicant's spouse, de facto partner and common-law partner
  • De facto partners or common-law partners need to prove that they have lived together for more than 12 months
  • Non-common-law partners need to demonstrate that they are dependent on each other, but cannot live together for some reason

Parent and Child Reunion Immigrant Visa Application Process

1. Our immigration lawyers will first collect brief information from those who intend to apply, and then evaluate whether they are eligible for this visa application.

2. The applicant submits a letter of intent for sponsoring parent/grandparent/child/spouse reunification on the official website of the Canadian Immigration Service.

3. The immigration office draws lots and then sends an invitation letter to the winner. The Immigration Bureau currently uses a random lottery method to automatically select the winners of the annual quota from applicants who have submitted letters of intent. Immigrant places are not on a first-come, first-served basis.

4. Successful applicants need to submit complete application materials, such as proof of kinship, financial proof, etc. After the immigration office checks the information and is eligible, it will issue an Invitation to Apply (ITA) letter to the applicant. The guarantor will then need to pass a medical examination and provide a certificate of no criminal record.

5. After the application is approved by the immigration bureau, the immigration bureau will mail the maple leaf card to the applicant. The sponsored person needs to enter Canada within the specified time.

Family immigration to Canada reunion immigration application time

Reunion immigration approval takes about 20-24 months.

Parent and Child Reunion Supervisa

In the unlikely event that a reunion visa is not available, applicants can also try to apply for a super visa, which is also for parents or grandparents. The super visa is a temporary residence visa in Canada, valid for up to ten years, and the holder can enter and leave Canada as many times as possible during the period.

Eligibility for parent and child super visa

  • Parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents
  • Children or grandchildren in Canada need an invitation letter first
  • Children or grandchildren in Canada need to commit to providing financial support for the parent or grandparent throughout their stay in Canada
  • Children or grandchildren in Canada need to provide financial proof that they meet certain requirements
  • At the time of entry, you must have purchased Canadian medical insurance of at least 100,000 Canadian dollars, with a coverage period of at least one year

Super visa validity period

The super visa is valid for 10 years. The maximum stay is two years per entry.

Contact Lighthouse Global for a free immigration consultation now!

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