The ninth episode of "Fox's Rest"

New characters appear! But there will be a full picture in the next episode! ~

The ninth round - to Hada City

"My lord, what is your business with me?" asked a dark brown-haired man named Brown Husband.
"I want you to catch a break." The "adult" in Brown's mouth took a glass of wine and took a sip.
"Oh? Who is it?" Brown said with a little interest.
"Someone! Go and call Hayes!" "Sir" ordered.

"My lord, I'm here." Hayes said, looking at the brown man beside her.
"Master" handed her a piece of paper and a pen: "Draw that fox hugger." Haisi breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, it wasn't a big deal, it scared me to death.

After a while, Hayes returned the completed drawing to "Master".

Hazel's painting skills are good~~

"Sir" then threw the picture to the brown husband, "This Hugh, catch her alive. You don't need to pay attention to her companions, let alone fight them, and bring her back when there is a chance."
"Yes, my lord." The brown man disappeared into the darkness with a smile on his face.

"Haha - my whole body is sore, how long has it been since I fought..." Su Dihu stroked her sore neck.
"Get up? Then hurry up and pack your things." Lu Ming's head suddenly came into view, which startled Su Dihu.
"Today we are going to go back to my house quickly, and then go to Hada City!" Mura said excitedly.
"Hada City...?" Su Dihu tilted her head in confusion.
"Hadar City is one of the cities in this world, and there are other cities such as Heaven City, Underwater City, etc." Meng explained.
"Why don't you just start from here? It will take another two or three days to go back now." Su Dihu asked again.
"Because we don't have enough food and water, and we don't have money." Lu Ming rubbed his fingers, "Even if you want to go to work, you won't be able to survive without money."
"Stop talking meow~ Hurry up and pack your things." Mura turned around to pack her luggage.
Su Dihu hurriedly packed her luggage and left the Huxiu base with Mura and the others.
"Thank you for your hospitality." Su Dihu said before leaving.

Sixiu turned back on the same road, and the way was unobstructed. The day when the food was finished, it was also the day when he returned to Murat's house.

"You're back?~" Murat's mother said with a smile, opening the door.
"Mmmm! We're going to Hada City after a day's rest, meow!~" Miura jumped into the room, and the others followed. Su Dihu saw that for a moment, Mura's mother revealed her true emotions-worry, worry, but soon returned to normal.
"Is Hada City dangerous?" Sudihu thought to himself.

"Why are you wearing women's clothes?!" Brown husband asked angrily.

"Well...because...they have a cat Xiu over there. She seems to know all the information about us, so you have to pretend to be a female Xiu before you can approach them." Feng Yi faced the ferocious eyes of the brown husband and the terrifying oppression I can't help but sweat on my cheeks. "Anyway, you don't look like a woman after wearing it..." Feng Yi thought to herself.

"#&¥*$^" swear words came out of Brown's mouth. After calming down, he asked again, "But my voice doesn't look like a woman, how can I pretend?"

"Didn't your lord give you a voice-changing candy? A candy that can keep you a female voice for a week." Feng Yi said.
"Oh, that, I understand." The brown man was silent for a while: "So are you finished yet?"
"Ahaha... It's done, it's done, you can go." Feng Yi quickly backed away.
"Speaking of which, where did Feng Yan go?"
"After he reported Huxiu's skill information, he was sent to other places by the lord."
"I'm very envious of your ability to share perspective. It would be great if I could share perspective with other people."
"Haha, you're joking, let's go quickly." Feng Yi didn't want to say any more, and Zong Fu must have noticed it.

"Fengyan..." Feng Yi looked into the distance and muttered.

The next day, Su Dihu woke up energetically and walked out of the room. The other Hughes were already sitting in chairs.
"Good morning~" she said with a smile.
"Morning." Meng nodded in response.

After having breakfast and preparing dry food and water, they set off for Hada City. Before leaving, Su Dihu saw Mura's mother's worried expression again, which made her puzzled.

This time, I took a different road. I had to go around Pianling Valley and walk a little longer to reach it.

"Going such a long way?!" As soon as Su Dihu heard the route, she exclaimed in disbelief, "Go over??"
Meng shook his head and said, "Of course I won't walk over."
Lumin continued, "We'll hitch a ride."
Mura then said, "Use the license plate to summon the car, and you can ride, meow." After saying that, she took out a sign, stretched it out, and a car appeared in front of her.
"Go up." Lu Ming urged.

"Please wait a moment!!"

A woman with dark brown hair ran over, "Please... May I take a ride? This direction should be to Hada City, right?"
Mura looked up and down the female Hugh, and said something in Meng's ear.
"Xiong Xiu... I always feel a little familiar..." Lu Ming thought to himself.
"Please come up, our destination is Hada City." Meng said.

"Very good, it worked!"

<End of the ninth episode>


Because the exam is about to take place, I have to start reviewing in the next day, so it will not be updated for the time being.

I may post some short articles, such as painting and sharing, my brother's daily life and so on.

The new character is only drawn with line art, and it was drawn with an iPad (cousin's), so it will be slightly different than drawing with a computer.

brown man

The character introduction will be explained in detail in the next chapter, so let's take a look at this first. It seems that he doesn't look like a woman, so it's just that his cross-dressing skills are poor! (Or a very masculine girl(?))

*Update Date: One day after the exam*


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

MiuMiu我是一個六年級的學生,在爸爸推薦後來到Matters作文,因為上學關係,間中才一篇文章,請多多關照! 多數寫小説和生活小事,希望大家會喜歡我的文章喔~( ^ω^ )
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