陈迪匡:伤心的小鹦鹉(1980)|Gene Cotton:Me and the Elephant (1976)
- 歌曲:伤心的小鹦鹉
- 歌手:陈迪匡
- 作曲:Benny Whitehead
- 作词:郑国江
- 专辑:伤心的小鹦鹉
- 年份:1980
- 曲序:1
陈迪匡擅唱民歌,也会创作歌曲,懂得作曲及填词。 70年代,他与二弟陈迪文灌录过一张英文专辑。三弟陈德彰是80年代音乐组合Raidas的主音,他们三人是香港乐坛难得的三兄弟。
《伤心的小鹦鹉》原曲是美国歌手Gene Cotton的《Me and the Elephant》,由Benny Whitehead作曲,歌曲早于1976年发行。
I remember the day we had nothin' to do So we went down to the City Zoo Just to kill an hour or two Out in the good sunshine But we had so much fun, we were glad that we came We fed all the animals and gave each a name An' didn't even mind when it started to rain We had a real good time But now that it's over and you're far away I miss you more with each passing day And all my friends sympathise and say "He'll forget in time, Yes you will, give yourself a little more time" But it's already been well over a year And just in case you're interested you might like to hear How everybody's doing down at the City Zoo Without you Well the monkeys forgot ya and the hippo forgot ya And so did the kangaroo But me and the elephant, we still remember you Me and the elephant, we'll never forget you Well I wrote to Ann Landers and Dear Abby too And sought their advice as to what I should do And they said everything that reminds me of you Would all have to go So I burned all your pictures, except two or three The one by my bed and one on my TV And the one that I always carry with me Everywhere I go Now today was so nice and since I was in town I thought I'd take the oppurtunity to go down And see how everyone is down at the City Zoo And what's new Well the rhino forgot ya an' the zebra forgot ya The polar bear and tiger too But me and the elephant, we still remember you Me and the elephant, we'll never forget you
《Me and the Elephant》当年传唱度甚高,「歌神」许冠杰也曾翻唱过此曲。 1977年,许杰推出英文专辑《Came Travelling》,《Me and the Elephant》也收录在其中。
《伤心的小鹦鹉》和《Me and the Elephant》两首歌有很多相似的地方。首先,两首歌的歌名都以动物为主题,主角分别是鹦鹉和大象。
斑马/ 大笨象/ 白绵羊/ 鹦鹉
而在《Me and the Elephant》,歌曲中更出现多达八种动物:
monkeys / hippo / kangaroo / elephant / rhino / zebra / polar bear / tiger
歌曲:波斯猫歌手:罗文作曲:Nobody / Ayumj Date 作词:潘伟源专辑:Roman 罗文年份:1985 动物:猫歌词节录:「怀内那波斯猫声音娇俏摇着尾摆腰扭腰低叫喵喵喵...」
歌曲:雪儿歌手:吕方作曲:隐者作词:小美专辑:求妳講清楚年份:1986 动物:狗歌词节录:「现实真可怕忠心的代价风可否挺身说句公道话?」
歌曲:路过蜻蜓歌手:张国荣作曲:陈晓娟作词:林夕专辑:Untitled 年份:2000 动物:蜻蜓歌词节录:「让我做只路过蜻蜓留下能被怀念过程虚耗着我这便宜生命」
2005,郑中基翻唱了《伤心的小鹦鹉》,收录在他的专辑《 Before After》内,是他主演的电影《龙咁威2之王母娘娘呢》插曲。
与读者互动: 1. 你较喜欢哪一个版本(包括英文版) 的《伤心的小鹦鹉》? 2. 还有哪些歌名或歌词与「动物」相关的广东歌呢? 3. 你最喜欢哪一首与「动物」相关的广东歌呢?
《伤心的小鹦鹉》歌词: 作曲:Benny Whitehead|作词:郑国江 共妳初初相识那日暖洋洋同去看斑马与大笨象大树下又抱白绵羊听鹦鹉的歌唱共妳彼此欣赏快乐我俩共常求再与妳相见已变做愿望漫步骤雨下淡然尽忘听鹦鹉的歌唱难再与妳相見妳他乡奔往盼会有书信我日望夜望身边的知己都咁样讲只会心凄怆我的心真的充满凄怆自妳迁居他乡已经过了半载如妳有兴趣我对妳講一下近况对妳最爱那斑马天天都去探访离别妳哪只畜生不悲伤我每次都会抱抱那白绵羊笼中的小鹦鹉不肯再歌唱伤心的小鹦鹉想起妳不歌唱近接故友快信说道理对我淡忘还建议我今次应该点样从他的口中得知一切真相稍添凄怆玉照通通烧毁只剩得三几张求与妳相对一张摆房将一张摆于睡床前一张我身边放那天天清风爽往昔快意再享重到我与妳到过每一处去看看看妳最爱那斑马今天可会悲伤无奈那那只畜牲不悲伤我要再紧抱妳抱过那白绵羊笼中的小鹦鹉今天也不肯唱伤心的小鹦鹉今生再不歌唱
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