The story of a cup of tea

Ten years ago today, my mother left me on a journey to heaven, and I kept thinking, where did she go? Did she see the gesture of me who is struggling in a foreign country now? Does she know that I miss her so much?

Author Little Sun's Star and Heart

After graduating from school, I was lucky enough to apply for the famous Big T company. Since then, I left my hometown and lived in the big T company's dormitory. This is a story that happened when I came home one weekend.

In order to buy tea to take to the company's dormitory, I went to a nearby ○○ Tea. Although all kinds of tea bags are very convenient now, I always like to build a pot of tea for myself after work. In the smog of hot tea, I can smell the elegant tea fragrance and taste the golden tea liquid. It’s really work. The stress and troubles are all forgotten!

I love drinking tea since I was a child, which was influenced by my mother. I remember when I was a child, after dinner, my mother would always hold a big teapot and make hot tea for everyone with a smile. My mother watched us exhale the hot tea, while The scene of watching TV gossip at home has become the most beautiful scene in my childhood memory. I don’t know if it’s because of her love of drinking tea. My mother’s complexion is fair, translucent, and her skin is smooth and delicate. With the double eyelid carved by the carving knife, which has always been inherited in the family, my mother is the most beautiful mother in my heart when I was young. She is also a recognized beauty among relatives and friends.

Until one day, my mother had a serious illness. As a small child, my life and world collapsed. Of course, the collapse also included the image of my mother.

In the past, my mother bought it, and the large and small packages were put into my luggage. Today is my first time stepping into a tea shop. The owner of the tea shop actively promoted and asked me to fill in the information. At this time, I will enjoy preferential discounts when applying for a membership card. So I filled in the name of the big T company in the company occupation column. The reputation of the famous and big company is really loud and easy to use. The boss took out a lot of pressure box treasures, and I tasted all kinds of tea, and I was swimming in the world of tea. At that time, a visitor came to the store, who was the owner of the store next door.

The tea shop and the owner of the store next door were gossiping, but the conversation suddenly changed, "Why haven't I seen that disabled old lady recently?" the owner next door asked.

The owner of the tea shop also wondered, "Yeah! I used to carry a backpack and a cane every day, and I would rest at the door when I passed by. I wonder why I haven't seen it recently? That old woman is not bad, I invite her to drink tea, and she will Very polite to buy tea from me, saying that her daughter likes to drink it..."

I listened to their conversation while paying the money, and suddenly my heart was heavy, my face was red and my eyes were hot...

The proprietress handed me the change, I grabbed it and wanted to leave the tea shop as if flying, when the proprietress called from behind, "Miss, you forgot the tea!"

I didn't leave quickly, I was afraid that my tears would come out of my eyes before I rushed out the door, I hurriedly turned around to get the tea, but met the boss's eyes, she was startled when she saw my wet eyes, "Aiya, What's wrong with you, Miss Big T Company?"

I quickly took a breath, waved my hand and said it was fine, and forced the teardrops that were swirling in my eye sockets on my eyelashes, I would never let it fall, and flew away from the tea shop, on the way home, I Cry like a child.

Because the old woman the bosses said was none other than my mother who passed away a few months ago.

Although she was limping with crutches when she was sick, she would always carry a backpack to buy groceries after everyone went to work and class, and the green onions that were too long would hang diagonally on her In the backpack, sometimes too many things slip off. She also asks passersby to help her straighten the backpack. When her mother goes shopping, there are always many people who help her and take the initiative to help her get money to find money to put the vegetables in the backpack on her back. The vegetable vendor..., including when she was half-tired, a well-meaning person would invite her to drink tea....

My mother always half-jokingly talked about these experiences when she went out on adventures alone. She always said that even if she was disabled, she could do many things like ordinary people. Her jokes included a new hawker, Seeing that she is disabled, she refuses to accept her money, but I don't know that my mother is only disabled, and some of it is money.

We also believe in the words of our mother, relying on her chronically, not knowing how hard it is for her to drag her disabled body and do the same things as ordinary people, but like magic, she makes the children believe that she is only a superficial It just doesn't look like the other mothers. She does everything other mothers can do, too. Really, she didn't lie, she did everything!

(Writing here, my tears couldn't stop rolling down one by one)

And I, when I was so small and so small, constantly felt inferior and struggled in the beauty and imperfection of my mother. Now that I'm a mother, I don't think my mother suffered less than me back then.

And today, I finally met the person who often invited her to tea. Logically, I should hold the boss's hand with tears in my eyes, thank him for a cup of tea, and tell him that my mother has passed away and will not come again. But the reality is, the above are the plots that only appear in the movie. I will never let anyone see my tears, and I will fly out of the door.

Thinking of my mother in heaven, who used to limp with a backpack, and imagined every cup of tea handed to her by the owner of the tea shop... My tears burst, and I cried like a dam collapsed. Thank you boss, thank you boss for every cup of tea... Mom, I miss you so much, did you see it?

A cup of tea is golden and moist like the bright moon on the horizon. Every mother is the moon that illuminates the night sky in the dark. The only one who understands the heart of the mother's moon is the little star beside me. The stars know my heart.



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