love follows


August 26, 2022

love follows

Pastor To Chongji

Reading: Ruth 1:1-22

Selected Scripture Readings: Ruth 1:1-22

"1 During the reign of the judges, there was a famine in the land. In Bethlehem, Judah, a man went to the land of Moab with his wife and two sons. 2 The man's name was Elimelech, and his wife's name was Naomi And his two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, were Ephrathites from Bethlehem, Judah. When they came to the land of Moab, they lived there. 3 Then Elimelech the husband of Naomi died. She was left with her two sons. 4 The two sons married Moabite women, one named Orpah and the second Ruth, and they lived there about ten years. 5 Mahlon and Chilion The two also died, and Naomi was left with no husband and no son.

6 Naomi got up with her two daughters-in-law, and wanted to go back from the land of Moab, because in the land of Moab she heard that the LORD looked after his people and gave them food. 7 So she and her two daughters-in-law set out, left the place where they were staying, and went back to the land of Judah. 8 Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, "Go back to your mother's house. May the LORD be gracious to you, as you have done to the deceased and to me. 9 May the LORD give each of you a home in your new husband's house!" So Naomi kissed them, and they wept aloud, 10 and they said to her, "No, we will go back with you to your people." 11 Naomi said, "Go back, my daughter! Why do you want to go with me? Can I still have a son to be your husband? 12 Go back, my daughter! I am old and can't have another husband. Even if I still have hope, I have a husband tonight, and I have a husband. Sons, 13 Can you wait for them to grow up? Can you keep yourselves from marrying? Don't be like this, my daughter. I suffer more than you, because the LORD stretches out his hand against me."

14 The two daughters-in-law cried again, and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye, but Ruth followed Naomi. 15 Naomi said, "Look, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and her gods, so go back with your sister-in-law!"

16 Ruth said, "Do not persuade me to leave you, and turn away from you. Wherever you go, I will also go; where you dwell, I will dwell; your people are my people; yours God is my God. 17 Wherever you die, I will die and be buried there. Only death can separate you from me; otherwise, may the LORD punish me severely!"

18 When Naomi saw that Ruth was determined to go with her, she said nothing to her. 19 So the two of them walked together and came to Bethlehem. When they came to Bethlehem, the whole city was in a commotion because of them. The women said, "Is this Naomi?" 20 Naomi said to them, "Don't call me Naomi, but Marah, because the Almighty has made me suffer. 21 I am full of Go out, and the LORD has brought me back empty. The LORD has caused me to suffer, and the Almighty has brought disaster on me. Why do you still call me Naomi?"

22 Naomi returned from the land of Moab, and her daughter-in-law Ruth the Moabite was with her. When they arrived in Bethlehem, it was time to start the barley harvest. "

Times Meditation:

After losing her husband and two sons, Naomi returned to Bethlehem in Judah when she heard that the Lord had cared for her people and would provide them with food (6-7). However, Naomi hoped that Ruth and Orpah would each go back to their parents’ homes and find a new home (8-9), because she was too old to have children as their future husbands (11-12). In addition, Naomi believes that what happened to her was the result of Jehovah reaching out and hitting (13), so Naomi did not want them to go back to Bethlehem with him to suffer.

At first, Ruth and Orpah were reluctant to leave Naomi (10), but in the end Orpah reluctantly said goodbye to Naomi in tears (14), and Ruth was willing to say goodbye to Naomi wherever she went. She walks with her, and also believes that Naomi's god is her own god (16), and is buried together even after death (17). Naomi saw that Ruth was determined to go back to Bethlehem with him, and the two walked back to Bethlehem (19a).

Why did Ruth follow Naomi back to Bethlehem? It is believed that not only because Naomi was good to her two Moabite wives, but also because Ruth accepted Naomi's belief in Jehovah that "your God is my God".

Answer the prayer:

Please let me, like Naomi, live out a good testimony and let people know the Lord.


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FunnyseriousmanA funny and serious man. He likes reading and eating.
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