Running a social platform is so arduous, let me talk to you about the experience of marketing promotion! !

Whether you are a novice store owner who wants to attract customers to your brand, or an experienced store owner who wants to keep your brand active, it is inevitable to use social media platforms to promote your brand. However, managing social media accounts is definitely a daunting task.

Social media changes every day, and it can be hard to stay on track across all platforms. Therefore, the editor left to ask, right to ask, and collected a lot of social media marketing tips. As a great platform manager, you need to provide highly tailored and unique content every day to keep followers curious about your page.

(Top 5 Popular Social Media Platforms)

1. Post from the point of view of a salesperson

Acting on the role of the salesperson, consider what the viewers want to see, and what themes are attractive, so that you can like and share while watching, and integrate yourself into the viewers to determine the title and content, which allows you to Create the best content and ideas with the best results.

2. Stay on top of the current craze

Including the content of the current hot topic in the content of the post is definitely a great trick to attract readers. If you are an owner of a clothing store, it is necessary to keep up-to-date fashion information. For example, the most popular story "Story of Yanxi Palace", the smart shop owner pays attention not to the scheming in the play, but to being The Morandi color scheme, which is hotly discussed by major fashion websites, they know how to take this theme and post with the clothes they sell, and they do not directly introduce their clothes, but do a hidden promotion in the content. Today Generations are not sensitive to hard sell, and they are a little more resistant, so this "secret" approach is more attractive.

(hot topic)

3. Tell the truth

The editor understands that the purpose of setting up a special page is to promote your personal brand or product. Sometimes, in order to make your product more attractive, the content of the post will inevitably add a little salt and a little vinegar, which can expand the expectations of customers. . But just think about it, when you visit a store and find that the real thing is not as stated in the post, then the return rate is only 0-5%. At present, regular customers are very important to become a competitive retail store in the market. If you don't even have repeat customers, how come you are regular customers!? Therefore, it is more in line with the current trend to tell the truth rather than exaggerate.

4. Different ways to treat different platforms

Managing a platform is no longer easy, let alone managing multiple platforms at the same time. The editor believes that there are quite a few store owners who will link different platforms together for convenience and efficiency. Then when you post, you can update it synchronously. But in fact, different platforms have different functions. For example, Facebook is very suitable for sharing articles with reporting value, which can be used to introduce the story behind the brand, build a brand image, and impress readers with the story; Instagram, attractiveness comes from visuals, and one page is enough to attract people. Striking photos are key. Therefore, when you post on IG in the way of FB, it may not achieve the best results, because statistics show that IG will not even read the title of the post, let alone the content, which is just a waste of that carefully written article.

5. Don't give up easily

As the saying goes, "Everything is hard to start", nothing can be achieved in one step, everyone starts from scratch, and those who can persevere take a step toward success. I know some shop owners who insisted on seeing the special page for more than a month without any improvement, so they were in a semi-abandoned state, and they didn’t manage their business as hard as they did at first, and gradually they updated it only once a week or a month. In this way, even the original follower will slowly "take off", don't care about the number of people, maintain the efficiency of 1-2 days of updating, keep searching for new topics, and gradually, your page will meet more and more bosom friends People, also commonly known as potential customers.

To be honest, Xiaobian is also a manager of the use of social media platforms. The above are all Xiaobian’s tips and experiences to share for your reference~Reference~


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