Small talk/talk about receiving messages.

I had said before that I wanted to live broadcast how I received messages, but I found that I was really not good at talking to myself, so I finally had to take back the outline of the day to expand the outline of the article.


But before I actually get into anything, let me first say that I don't actually encourage people to try receiving it themselves .

There are many factions that receive messages, but one core remains unchanged—as a channel for message transmission, its own stability is very important. Although there are standards for self-examination of "self-stability", how to objectively judge whether one is in line with one's ego and six desires is actually a somewhat complicated subject.

So, I want to stress again, I do not encourage trying, and I am not responsible for any consequences of trying; I only share my experience, thoughts, beliefs, and I have done my duty to inform!

Before Receive: Not Psychic

Before I start talking about receiving, it's important to emphasize that the method I use for receiving is different from channeling.

Instead of "talking" with beings such as gods and ghosts, I invite one (or more T^T) specific beings and ask them to give messages; it's like speaking to professionals when there is a need Seek advice as well. The information I get can be presented in many ways. Overall, it is a mass (a lump?) of energy. To feel, understand, and analyze that mass of energy is how I receive the message.

Receive: Energy Capture

My way of receiving messages is actually just capturing energy, just like a person who took a picture of a landscape and copied it to create a painting.

The source of the so-called source, high spirit and other information is the scenery, the captured energy is the photo, the process of copying is the process of receiving the message, and the final painting is the message I convey.

Other types of receiving messages include those who can directly talk to the high spirits, and those who hear voices, see pictures, and intuitively feel "that's it"; each method has its own supporters, users, and advocates, but But there is no absolute superiority, just like you can't compare bananas to spaghetti, but if you are asked "what do you want to eat", there must be a preference between the two.

source: source of information

Before capturing the energy, you have to determine where the message is coming from - this is divided into two parts, first you have to decide where to receive the message, as I said before, the mind and body are related things like this: intention matters, intention Decide everything big and small.

For example, when painting a soul flower, the target is the spiritual team of the client - the so-called "Higher Self Council" - and the client's soul itself; when painting a message flower, a type - ascended master, divinity will be determined Beings (in the vernacular, high spirits with the name of gods, male gods, goddesses, east, west, etc.), natural elements (elves, minerals)...etc.

The next step is to verify, to confirm who the source of the message is and whether it conforms to your settings; the easiest way is to use tools such as pendulums, cards, etc. Because I am used to working with Gao Ling, I am familiar with the way of verification.

Received: process, method, feeling...etc.

In the last collection of questions, most people wanted to know what that "feel" was. I am a text-and-picture artist myself, and the more exciting messages will appear in front of my eyes in a waterfall-like marquee; the more peaceful messages are just one sentence, which comes to mind like a typewriter.

As far as the receiving step is concerned, my habit is to build the sacred space, set the intention and target, and then wait. If I wait for a long time and there is nothing, I will draw cards to see if there is no information, or the language I am used to cannot translate? If it's the latter, then I'll take out the card to conduct in-depth questions and answers, find the direction of the message I want to convey, and then peel off the cocoon to see what the message itself is.

Translation: understanding and translation of messages

I always thought that as the receiver, I was just a channel through which the message was transmitted, like a translator, without my personal judgment and emotion. There's only one situation where I'll make adjustments, and that's when the source of the message is still very different from the previous one, or it's too direct and easily hurtful.

I had previously shared a very different case on my Instagram feed, and that was the only time I had in years as a receiver to discuss and reconsider the wording with the spiritual team that gave the message.

As for how to understand the information, it is the client's business. I am usually not responsible for further interpretation of the information. Unless the client has further questions or the information given by the team is really at a loss, I will stick to the principle of "just a channel".


This is probably the case. If you have any doubts and curiosity about receiving messages, please feel free to ask them!

The original text is better to read, and the typo version can be corrected at any time: Above the Flowers


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