"Sound into the Dragon's Heart" - To the inspiration of my favorite idol

庫洛 Frosty
It is very important to chase after the idol. Who is the butterfly's favorite idol? After listening to this song for the first time, I opened Penana's manuscript. After countless stops and changes, and re-writing, I never gave up on showing it in front of everyone with my self-confessed most beautiful gesture. , Now that the word "End" has been dropped, my eyes are full of tears, and I look at the flying butterflies and stop to take a look at my works.

source of inspiration

I have been inspired by this novel since the second or third grade of middle school.

It was the first time I heard Jay Chou's "Mermaid", so I immediately opened Penana and started coding.

The first time I wrote it, I wrote the heroine to be weak, but I found that when I reached twenty or thirty, I would start to write, especially if the content of the plot was not full and most of them were romance, which seemed too boring and boring.

So I continued to improve, until the third year of high school, when an inspiration suddenly broke out. I originally just wanted to get tired of other novels. After all, writing the same one for too long will make me tired, so I plan to open a comfortable one.

Who would have thought that I couldn't stop writing it, and stuffed all the thoughts I once wanted to write about "human experiments" and "family members are actually mermaids", which is really cool.

Difficulties and Improvements

In fact, the test of this article for me at the time was that "the plot content was thin", "there was no motivation", and "the plot content was not sorted out smoothly".

I think this should be a problem for many people.

First, this article was originally inspired by impulse, so when I first wrote it, there was no plot line at all, the content was very thin, and the characters of the male and female protagonists were not easy to control, which was my lack of skill back then.

Second, although I want to write, but because of the thin plot line, in fact, most of the love stories are written in the same content. The other party encounters difficulties and the other party rescues or even redeems. What can I write? At that time, I was always struggling when I reached thirty articles. I felt that I had finished writing what I could, but there were a lot of things that I didn't write. It was very painful.

Thirdly, the plot was not planned in advance. When writing books, Benshuang was always very impulsive to write whatever came to his mind, but the downside was that it was difficult to write in the later stages, because he didn’t know what to write, and he had no inspiration or motivation. Naturally, this article has become an abandoned pit. Ben Cream doesn’t want to abandon it like this, so most of the time, it will be covered by me for a while before I write it out. At this time, I may find that inspiration is bursting, or I can find a place that can make up for the deficiencies of the year.

So Benshuang summed up his writing style.

First, there is no problem with impulsive writing, but save the manuscript first, and if there is a problem in the middle, you can revise it .

Second, find the problem , make bold revisions to remove the unsuitable parts, read more books to see if there is anything that can be used, make a little modification and make it your own, don’t be afraid to imitate others , after all, almost every profession starts from imitation Start, keep grinding, and then become your own style .

Third, you can think more about the plot line at the same time as you write the text, that is to say, write all the key plots first, and then describe how to write it in general. You don’t have to write it too carefully and completely , otherwise it will be changed later. It's a bit troublesome, just like writing an outline, write down each key plot, and forget how to write it at that time, or you can read it a little when you need a reminder, but don't be too obsessed with going where you want to go , after all The novel has ideas, and it is basically difficult for us to control him. We can only give her a suggestion to let her go by herself, like a child.

That's roughly it.


In addition to being moved, there is also a sense of relief. After all, this essay has been on Benshuang for five years, and it is really moving to be able to successfully finish the full text.

Of course, this one is very mindless to write, so I feel that it is written very smoothly, and I don't need to search for any information on the Internet. It is much easier to write than other books.

Of course, I don't know if everyone likes romance, so the amount of bookmarks in this article makes Ben Cream very happy.

The only pain is: can't really have one more bookmark? The number 114 is really heart-wrenching!

(now the bookmark has reached 160)

happy smile~~~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

庫洛 Frosty冰落沉霜與蝶同墜。 一位患有嚴重型的「雙子人格精神分裂症」以及「白日夢遊症候群」,沒有什麼積極性,只對喜歡的事情上心的準大學生少女。 從小一開始寫小說,國二國三開始發布網路小說,高中三年級成功擁有自己第一本實體小說,只要能有一點點的進步,我都不會畏懼失敗。 目前的興趣是塔羅牌,開放個占,需要的可以加我IG,現在努力每天都放大眾占卜上來。
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