Tiny but can kill a relationship 'micro-thrust'


Yesterday, I saw an article by the author's nanny. The content was mainly about how "micro-gravity" affects the emotions between men and women.

The article mentioned: " Microgravity is a moment in the emotional interaction between men and women, making each other sure that the other is the person they want to spend their whole life with, but these "moments" are often trivial things, and sometimes they are told to others. Listen, others may not understand. "

After reading this article, I suddenly had an insight.

That is, if there is "micro-gravity", there will also be "micro-thrust". You will be certain that the other party is someone you want to live with for a lifetime because of some "moments", and you will also be convinced that the other party is not someone you can live with for a long time because of some moments. object of in-depth development.

To give an example of my own personal experience, I once traveled with a friend to other counties and cities. Generally speaking, we both got along quite happily during the trip. However, when we chatted, it may be because of habit or accident. She always says things that make me uncomfortable. For example: "Why are you such an idiot, how can there be such an idiot?" This seems to be a choking remark among friends.

Although I knew she had no ill intentions, or that she did the same to others, I felt really uncomfortable when I heard it, so at that time I was pretty sure that I really couldn't develop further friendship with her, or maybe , Over time, this friendship will gradually drift away.

The last thing I want to say is that the key to further development between two people is hidden in the most daily process of getting along. It may be an unintentional remark or an inadvertent little action. Whether this person can get along for a long time, and the way to judge is to ask your own heart, as long as you feel something is wrong, it is time to pay attention.


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