One coin, one wish|Peace is the eternal expectation of mankind

Angela Chen
I hope everyone has a peace coin in their hands to pursue spiritual peace and world peace.
Peace Coin, made by Moonshot

The seemingly endless war in Ukraine continues to rage, not only causing serious casualties on both sides, but also causing the displacement of Ukrainian people. In order to satisfy their selfish desires for power, the aggressors ignored the people's basic pursuit of democracy and freedom, and also severely damaged the world's economy and order.

Conflicts or hostility will inevitably arise between people or between countries because of their personalities (nationality) or rights. However, peace is a universal value. Everyone hopes that there will be no hostility or revenge between each other. They also hope that conflicts can be resolved and peaceful and healthy human (international) relations can be established.

Therefore, I hope everyone has a peace coin in their hands. Firstly, it is used to pursue inner peace, help oneself face adversity or pressure, and then create a happy life; secondly, it is used to pursue world peace, praying for the invaders to put down their weapons and selfish desires, so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment without the worry of war.

[Note] The Peace Sign in the middle of the peace coin is a symbol designed by Gerald Holtom in the 1950s for the British Nuclear Disarmament Movement. It consists of a vertical, inverted V and a circle. The vertical and inverted V are in the flag. The N and D are the initials of Nuclear and Disarmament. (The above is from Wikipedia)


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Angela ChenAn old fashioned lady with no brain!
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