I can't open it|Consumption coupons do not change my consumption

A promotional email reminded me of a weird idea about coupons.

I haven't worked for a long time, so I don't bother to open my email. Anyway, I don't communicate much with the outside world. There are only unsubsribe promotions left, and PayPal tells me every few days to use the HK80 gift certificate before it expires. In the past, I would click on all to make sure to delete these, some of which did not bother the Vatican, but I have never unsubsribe subscribed to their own brands, I am afraid that one day I will really suffer.

On a whim in the morning, when it was time to clear the emails that had been accumulating in the inbox for a long time, I came across the promotional email for the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong Eslite.

ah what? Ten years?⁉︎

Just like various brand merchants and even shopping malls, Eslite also uses the Covid coupons issued by the government to promote products. Well, it’s fate to see it anyway. Before ⌥⇧⌘Delete, let me tell you that it’s so cool to pick up cheap things that you may not know.

▋Consumption coupons have become a blessing for promotions ———————————————

Excerpted from: "Mischief; Eslite". https://meet.eslite.com/hk/tc/news/202207190001

Different merchants turn the coupons received by citizens into elements of their promotional methods. Take Eslite as an example, from now until before ㋇㏾, you can use electronic payment to spend at Hong Kong Eslite bookstores or counters.

①Free [Eslite Bookstore] paper consumption coupon HKD50 + [Elite Life] paper consumption coupon HKD100 upon purchase of HKD500
②Over HKD2000, get an extra HKD100 [Elite Life] paper consumption coupon
Attached devil's rules:https://meet.eslite.com/hk/tc/news/202207190001

The ongoing activities, as well as the school opening stationery exhibition, the tenth anniversary celebration, etc., etc., are very lively. The products sold in the event can also be used as a payment method for consumption coupons.

◼︎Lishen : I'm not Eslite's thug

I said Eslite, you used to make me squat for a long time every time I went to Taipei. Today is a little bit resistant to even clicking on your promotional emails, another gap created by the constant vibration of the head shell over the past ten years. Not depressed, did not feel anything. As for the reason, it may be that it is close at hand, and things are no longer rare, and they become boring and sluggish. The boring vanity desire to swipe a card just to have it disappears naturally.

Ahem, the content of this email is not really the point.

 Instead, it reminded me of a weird idea about coupons.

Consumer coupons ran out of nowhere, in the name of subsidizing citizens' incomes that have been reduced due to the epidemic. The real reason behind it, no one can be sure. Either to stifle the resentment of the people, or to promote the nearly stagnant local economy, or even the dramatic conspiracy routines on the Internet. You can't go into it, so don't go into it.

Criticism can be discussed only by focusing on actual action and its effectiveness. The government distributes money to citizens in a one-size-fits-all manner, and the amount is calculated on a per-capita basis. Whether it can really relieve the pressure of money really varies from person to person.

For merchants that have nothing to do with daily life or necessities, the recent promotions seem to be very cost-effective. If you don’t buy them, you will feel a big loss. Of course, merchants are also victims of this epidemic, and it is understandable to increase their turnover.

▋Is it bundling?

What I don't fully understand is that, in this climate where the general public is worried about how to save money, if merchants bundle coupons to promote sales, are they actually enticing citizens to increase non-routine and unnecessary expenses? I think this is a kind of bundling sales model, which not only helps revenue, but also helps Hong Kong's overall economic growth, but I always feel that it is a bit different from the usual "buy two get one free" or "package price" bundling, because Not all bundled together are tangible products or intangible services. I don't know if this is not called bundling at all but a marketing tactic with another name, and I am a bit confused myself. But no matter what it is called, the point is, are some of the costs passed on to the citizens? Of course, this is legal and not uncommon, and it is an equal transaction that is yours and my will.

◼︎ Lishen again: I am not saying that there is a problem with Eslite's promotion method, nor does it mean that. Do not misunderstand.

Don't think too much, I never planned to own the fashionable bag that Susan also has, and the walnut solid wood outdoor table, they are all discounted at half price, and you can get additional discounts by paying with coupons, there is no way it will be more cost-effective . Anyway, it was deducted from the consumption coupons, and the pockets did not have to be deep, right?

not like this. Think again.

You might think that a few thousand yuan in consumer coupons is a windfall, an unexpected income. I don't see it that way. Whether it's a fortune or a windfall, it's your asset from the moment it's transferred to your bank account. Spending in places other than your usual expenses will not reduce your monthly expenses. You still have to face the same rent, mortgage, commuting, utilities, tuition, diapers, food and some without. What can be temporarily relieved is probably just your buying desire and emotions. This is a very good example of opportunity cost (opportunity cost).

▋All things are limited ———————————————

In the nasty reality, almost all resources are limited, so we need to make a choice , otherwise we can all be high-pitched: I want them all.

 Before deciding between the different options, consider comparing what you can expect from each option. When A is determined, it is equivalent to losing the benefits brought by other options. That's the cost you can't reverse.

It's all about scarcity, in the city and around every corner of this world. Scarcity created options. In most time we are brutally left alone, in middle of nowhere, to face the opportunity costs on our own choices.

Just my two cents.

Said so much, nothing more than a poor word. Income is close to zero, and fixed expenditures cannot be drastically reduced. Everyone's situation is different, so I'll say the above is just a weird idea of mine. I didn't reindulge my desire to buy because of the thousands of coupons. I know very well that it is a thing that can scare me. I guess the government's intention is not too far behind, is it?


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根叔|gunshock⎡邊緣回望後,滑進一界混沌,從不掙扎。跟自己的過去過不去,執著地浮沉著。⎦ Still hope/to hand stitch my book/of ups & downs on a tightrope./No plan to elope/coz it just chokes.
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