Can the vaccine instructions for "emergency use authorization or conditional marketing" be found on the website of the State Council of China?

Vaccine recipients are required to accept and sign a waiver of liability documents, which often leads to inability to obtain relief and compensation in the event of an accident after vaccination, and compulsory vaccine liability insurance has not been implemented. When China first promoted the vaccination of the new crown, the reason why the elderly who most needed vaccine protection was excluded was partly because the elderly, especially those with a variety of chronic diseases, had accidental accidents or even accidental deaths. In turn, the possibility of inducing "medical trouble" events is much higher than that of healthy young and middle-aged groups.

On August 10, 2021, a gathering of many people occurred at the gate of the Second People's Hospital of Nanning, Guangxi, which not only seriously affected the normal order of diagnosis and treatment in the hospital, but also had an extremely bad impact on my country's new crown vaccination work. (The performance of China's years of legal education in the new crown epidemic has almost fallen short.)

When China first promoted the vaccination of the new crown, the reason why the elderly who most needed vaccine protection was excluded was partly because the elderly, especially those with a variety of chronic diseases, had accidental accidents or even accidental deaths. In turn, the possibility of inducing "medical trouble" events is much higher than that of healthy young and middle-aged groups.

Whether medical personnel or ordinary people, they often lack awareness of the deprivation of their own rights, and lack effective ways to correct mistakes and accountability, which leads to mutual harm from time to time. The ignorant, humiliated and weak may be more beneficial to those in power domination.

Article 18 of the Vaccine Administration Law stipulates that for clinical trials of vaccines, the written informed consent of the subjects shall be obtained. The question is, is every vaccine recipient really informed (inferred or forced)? What kind of consent does each vaccine recipient give (genuine consent? induced consent? coerced consent?)

Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Vaccine Administration Law stipulates that the drug regulatory department of the State Council shall publish the contents of vaccine instructions and labels on its website in a timely manner. I wonder if vaccine recipients can inquire about vaccine instructions for "emergency use authorization or conditional marketing" on the websites of the State Council such as the National Health Commission, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the National Medical Security Administration, and the State Drug Administration? If vaccine instructions are not open and transparent, let alone other clinical trial information about vaccines, where is the right to know and to supervise?

Article 68 of the Vaccine Administration Law stipulates that the state implements a compulsory vaccine liability insurance system. Vaccine marketing license holders shall purchase compulsory vaccine liability insurance in accordance with regulations. If the vaccine quality problem causes damage to the recipient, the insurance company will pay within the limit of liability. However, vaccine recipients are required to accept and sign a waiver of liability documents, which often leads to inability to obtain relief and compensation in the event of an accident after vaccination, and compulsory vaccine liability insurance has not been implemented. Coupled with the monopoly of vaccine-related information by those in power and manufacturers, it will be difficult to provide evidence after a vaccine accident (whether it is a coincidence or a causal relationship).

In 2017, the Wuhan Municipal Organization Office determined the name of the hospital as "Wuhan Fourth Hospital", and retained Wuhan Puai Hospital and Wuhan Orthopaedic Hospital as the second and third names of the hospitals. Including Wusheng Road Campus, Gutian Campus, Dongxihu District Changqing Garden Community Health Service Center.

Secretary of the Party Committee: President: Wang Lan

Ding Xiangwu, Department of Gastroenterology at Wuhan Fourth Hospital , used his power to exclude dissidents and frantically crack down on the victims of persecution, causing many people to suffer from mental and psychological disorders and his family members in a ruined situation. . In the department, there is a tendency to become flamboyant, shameless, and the environment is dark.

There are leaders in Wuhan Fourth Hospital who insist on harming the interests of some people. They ignore the facts and suppress them blindly. Many people know that if they dare not speak out, it is a harmonious society. Why is there no sunshine here.


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