When outspoken people come to a quiet workplace...

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash
One Minute Life in Daxia

I am a person who likes to chat and talk . When I am in a good mood , I find someone to chat with, and I am very happy.
Even at the company, I would casually find someone to chat with.

When I was a salesman when I was young, most of my work consisted of communicating and talking with people. The difference was only in the content of public affairs or private affairs .

At a young age, everyone would laugh even if there was something inappropriate in my speech. Anyway, everyone was infected with that youthful and cheerful atmosphere, and they didn't care about my small shortcomings.

Moreover, it is normal for salesmen of business units to talk and chat. Even if they disturb others in the office, they can usually be forgiven, because soon after the salesmen have to go out to visit customers one after another, there is not much time for disturbing people.

Salespeople usually don't stay in the company for a long time, which also makes us very popular in the company, and we can be accepted by most people and not be embarrassed by what we say and talk about.

getting old in no time

When I was in my 40s, I came to a relatively closed financial institution to work as a back office employee. This kind of life was something I had never experienced before; the company was silent for a long time, and there was not much conversation between colleagues. Of course, it’s true that you can’t chat during busy working hours (and even that is very different from when I was a salesman), but I’m talking about a feeling, because even during meal time or free time, there is not much chance of a lively conversation .

Compared with my previous company experience, it seems that I have come to the deep mountains of Yangming Mountain from Shilin Night Market .
 My colleagues may not think so, because they "have been in Yangmingshan and never went to the overnight market", so they don't feel that way.   

Yangmingshan or something... just a metaphor.

I was very unaccustomed to it at first, but I tried to be myself and managed to stay where I was.

But I am no longer a young man, nor an old colleague who had been with the company for more than 10 years. It would be inappropriate and inappropriate if I talk casually and indulge my heart. Although I have tried my best to strike a balance between " being myself and being reasonable ", And get some results feedback, but the industry's habits and style over the years will not change.

Environment creates personality, and personality creates environment.

After all, this is not a business department . Banking system units want meticulousness and prudence. Everyone is pragmatic and introverted to create such an environment. This environmental atmosphere is then incorporated into everyone's ideas, so the entire company will develop such a cultural quality. Stay professional, calm and disciplined!

 The atmosphere expressed by my personality from a salesman's environment is obviously out of place here.

But over the past few years, I have gradually gotten used to it, and I have become a part of the assimilation in this environment. Unless the opportunity is right, I don't bother to talk or make jokes. Even though I feel that my nature has not changed, it is not the same as before.


In the past two days, a friend of mine, " Ms. Manda in Black and White ", posted on the fan page, saying, what does the word "business card" mean to you?

I left a message: "In the past, I was used to issuing business cards widely, and I hoped to actively interact with people . But now I am a back office worker, and I rarely send business cards. I am too lazy to have unnecessary interactions with people ..." Your mood has a lot to do with it.

I think the result of my transition from " outward " to more " inward " is a thankful evolution , allowing me to experience different areas of my life in a good order . But I can't help thinking, if I'm in this restrained environment from the beginning, how can I turn it on later? Is this too difficult? Will I be repressed for a lifetime...

Think about it not, I will find a way out!

There is no right or wrong in the environment, only whether it is suitable for the current self, that's all.

If you are a little interested in the introverted and extroverted environment I mentioned above, there is a different type, but there are some related concept articles recommended for everyone:

"In this noisy world, everyone just wants to be silent"

One of the paragraphs says:

[When riding an Uber, passengers can turn on the mute option if they don’t want to talk to the driver . “I like to be quiet ” is a euphemism set by Uber (of course, it can be switched to “I like to chat ”), which seems to give people the freedom to choose who to listen to and The dream of listening to something is one step closer. 】

I think that an environment that causes you to want to mute or turn on, or what environment you want to choose, is your own mood and thoughts. When you surrender and obey what you think in your heart and move towards your own will, you can immediately integrate into it. .

There is no right or wrong in the environment, it is a necessary process in life.

Text 2022.4.12


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