Essays and Poems Related to the Sea

As if we were in a crowded crowd, we would never find the answer at sea... But we always liked to look at him, just kept looking at him.

Remember that it was a smelly and sticky summer, and we went to the beach as soon as we said we were going. I don't have any plans but just want to hear the sound of the waves at night, I'm very happy, not sure if you're happy or not.

We walked on the beach holding hands together, lying down for no reason, looking at the seaside sky together. It's actually very dark. The wind and the sand hold us in the palm of our hands together, so it's actually very gentle. At that time, I was probably the happiest time in my life.

I still remember that we caught the last bus, and the bus in Binhai always smelled of the sea, like a huge sea beast. I lean on you, lean on you like a child, and you push me away, saying you stink. I said I didn't care, and I continued to snuggle up to you, holding your hand tightly along the way.

It's a pity that I never took a serious look at the sea with you.

There's too much stuff in there

I can't get it back until now

I was afraid that I would be like the people around me and find a reason to kill myself at some point one day. I know this is excessive and vexatious, but they keep reminding me that living is superfluous, I cannot convince them, and nothing that constitutes living can convince them. I won't be able to convince myself until the end.

What's even sadder is that those are the people I love, the people I love, and I expect them to love me, just as they die for granted, and I expect that I can die for granted.

If a drowning person can meet someone who is drowning with him, it should be pure happiness!

"jump into the sea"

The night before the dawn is far away, I can't tell if it's the sea or the sky, the stars and the sparkling light reflect each other
Very close, a whole sandbar flooded the air near my nose was swept away suffocation increased the number of breaths
Under the vacuum, I dreamed of the sea that snuggled up a lot for a long time, but I never dreamed of it.
The razor-sharp wind split the waves and the chest The sea breeze that poured into the chest from the abdomen relieved the pain of suffocation
Maybe it will be fine after it dries

As if we were in a crowded crowd, we would never find the answer at sea... But we always liked to look at him, just kept looking at him.


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