《Good News》|Let the song accompany you Stand By Song

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from Mac Miller|Good News was produced in the last days of Mac's life, and it is also the song that I think best represents his state of mind. It sounded like a dying murmur, like a complaint and a flat statement.

Mac Miller, whose real name is Malcolm McCormick, was born in Pennsylvania in 1992.

About two years ago, Mac Miller self-destructed on medication at the age of 26.

Ever since he started schooling, he has been a talking point, or more precisely, a problem person in the eyes of his teachers. During a Freestyle party with friends, Mac became convinced that he wanted to be a rapper. In the beginning, Mac's creation revolved around women, drugs, and gangs , but after a few years, it ushered in a turning point in Mac's life: in the face of many criticisms, he realized that he had more to convey to the world than himself. How much money can be spent, how many drugs are injected every day, or how many heterosexuals are around, but you can share more of your outlook on life, values, or the stories you have encountered in your life that are worth writing down, just in your heart At this time of great conflict and imbalance, he came into contact with jazz.

"Swinging with a melody with a slight swing and a light drum beat, or singing or reciting lyrics with more content and storytelling than before, is the image of Mac's late works."

Good News, produced in the last days of Mac's life, is also the song I think best represents his state of mind. It sounds like a dying murmur, a complaint and a flat statement:

“Good news, good news, good news,
That's all they wanna hear.
No, they don't like it when I'm down.
But when I'm flying, oh, it make 'em so uncomfortable."

People don't pay attention to you when you're down, they just make fun of you and let your failures build their confidence, but when you're successful, their jealousy makes them uncomfortable, forget it, they just want Hear good news and just want to hear good news about them.

Good News from Mac Miller

For me, the ups and downs of the real world often make me feel uneasy, and a song that just describes my mood will be my antidote at that time. Thinking of this, I feel that I must write these down and use my own feelings to record these life-changing songs.

Let the song accompany you when you are on the verge of breaking the embankment.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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