Should be able to climb a mountain during the epidemic

The epidemic has heated up recently. Even if you wear a mask, try not to gather in groups. Even the gym is hesitant to go to the gym.

But if you stay at home all day, you will not only lack exercise, but also easily affect your mood and become depressed.

I actually didn’t want to go out today, because when I went out, I had to wear a mask to prevent the epidemic. When I came back, I had to change out of my outdoor clothes and change into clean indoor clothes. It was very troublesome for a lazy person like me.

However, a friend happened to grab a trail, which was on the Moyan Mountain Trail in Miaoli. My friend always wanted me to go with me, so I "reluctantly" went with it.

It is said to be a trail, but it is actually very short and no one walks. It is absolutely possible to maintain a safe distance and take precautions against epidemics while exercising. However, if you don't say it, just looking at the scenery on the top of the mountain, you will think that you have climbed some amazing mountain!

During the epidemic, we really need to find some safer entertainment activities to fight against the war for a long time.


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不務正業的喵|認真交朋友認真生存專心做能賺錢的事和能幫助別人的事 持續當有能力且善良的人 喵ㄟ人生理念💗 2022.1.8
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