The Burmese coup is actually a legacy of communism

Myanmar is the first country in history to recognize the CCP regime and the New China. It was a communist country at the beginning of its independence, and then developed into a socialist country. Today, the original sin of the Burmese coup began with the hidden dangers left by Burma. .

00:00 Myanmar History

00:35 Communist Party General Secretary Aung San leads Japanese troops into Myanmar

01:00 Aung San rebelled against the Japanese army and allied with the British army

01:53 Chiang Kai-shek established a Chinese expedition to enter Burma to fight

02:21 Self-defeating without a fight, Du Yuming led the expedition to Yeren Mountain

03:25 Sun Liren defied the military order and went to India

04:00 1,500 Chinese Expeditionary Forces were burned after being trapped in Savage Mountain

05:00 Myanmar leaves the United Kingdom and becomes a federal republic, and U Nu is elected as the first prime minister

05:23 Wu Nu went to Beijing to persuade the CCP, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai compromised and promised to send land

06:11 U Nu and Aung San are both communists

06:35 After Wu Nu came to power, he was handed over to the Communist Party

06:51 Free Alliance splits, Ne Win takes military power

07:33 Chiang Kai-shek did not recognize the land sent by the CCP, and Myanmar took the initiative to unite with the CCP to clean up the lonely army

08:20 Ne Win coup, Myanmar becomes a socialist country

08:43 Nankan used to be the territory of the Republic of China. The Chinese Expeditionary Force recovered the lost land and established the Guangfu Township. The CCP handed it over to Myanmar

09:17 The CCP supports the Myanmar Communist Party, and Myanmar is anti-China on a large scale

09:50 Wrap-up: Unraveling the real face of communism


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