New/Old Person Check-in

For me, the most special thing about Matt City is the many amateur writers. Like me, from all over the world. Use serious and sincere words to write down the world in front of you and your life experience thoughts and share them with us. Therefore, literary talent is not so important.

I feel that there are many new literary friends in Matt City, so let me introduce myself.

I usually like to record my life, my thoughts, and my diary and weekly journals are habitually written in German.

I have been away from my hometown for too long, and my Chinese level is only National II. Communication with relatives and friends in hometown is written in Chinese. In recent years digitization (? - handwriting followed by computer scanning of emails.

Zhuyin input method / Cangjie input method is only heard but not seen to me. I didn't know Chinese input until I worked at an exhibition five or six years ago, and my colleagues demonstrated how to input Chinese voice on mobile phones. So far, a new world has opened up.

Writing is now done by hand first and then by voice input.

I came to Matt City two years ago. It was only two months after I started, and I only photographed and did not write. I vaguely feel that my Chinese is not good enough, not fluent enough, and my sentences are not clear, not to mention having a literary talent and a small inferiority complex.

Later, I had something to say, so I gathered up the courage to start.

Write articles here, purely to share and communicate.

Information is now available everywhere on the Internet. The creation of novels and stories on social media is even more endless.

For me, the most special thing about Matt City is the many amateur writers.

Like me, from all over the world. Use serious and sincere words to write down the world in front of you and your life experience thoughts and share them with us.

Therefore, literary talent is not so important.

Readers can feel the seriousness of the text.

not for fame and fortune,

Not for the sake of clapping hands to exchange for cash,

not to please readers,

Not for the sake of blogging. Writing for external inducements/clapping hands is a waste of life.

I wrote on and off for two years. Start from your own life experience/living environment/traditional celebrations/daily things/work and family.

And don't like it, with beautiful natural plant scenery pictures.

If you read my description, you can feel:

It turns out that parents and children can interact so closely

It turns out that in the interaction with the original family/intimacy, I can also control the autonomy

It turns out that the West also has such a close family view

It turns out that German Christmas and Easter have such allusions, and the locals celebrate this way.



There are so many beautiful flowers in MiSa town!!!

That, this is in addition to satisfying the original heart, the biggest gain.

With regard to social interaction, the principle is respect for contingency.

I can be sure, I must read the text carefully before shooting. Hope you are too.

Thank you for the polite interaction with my literary friend, nice to meet you.

enrich each other's lives.

MiSa is located in central Germany.

Born in Taiwan, after passing through South America, he came to Europe to live for a long time.

half a hundred. Happy silver wedding.

As an engineering student, I am curious about people and things in the world, and like to think and be satisfied in the process of thinking.

Thank you for listening. Thanks for your story too.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!