Do good deeds with blood in Australia|Roll up your sleeves and do good deeds, and then I was returned by the blood donation station!?


At the end of last year, I completed my first blood donation in Australia. At that time, I donated whole blood. Here, let’s talk about science first. In the past, the blood donation we often did was whole blood donation. The blood of the blood donor is drawn, and the blood components such as platelets or plasma are separated by a blood separator in a closed sterile centrifugal bowl; other components (such as red blood cells) are immediately returned to the blood donor. Because this method can be repeatedly operated to obtain dense blood components ( source: Taiwan Blood Foundation website ), the amount of platelets in each patient's blood transfusion needs to be separated from 12 bags of whole blood. The advantages of separated blood donation are: Since the blood components have been separated when donating blood, one blood donor can provide enough platelets for one patient, which can reduce the adverse reactions caused by the patient's use of blood from many different people. More effective use of everyone's blood.

Sydney Town Hall Blood Donation Centre

When I donated blood for the first time, I first completed filling in the information on the website, downloaded the mobile APP, and made an appointment directly on the location and time of the blood donation. At the time of filling in the information on the spot, enter the blood donation center, first take your ID card and confirm your identity with the counter, and then the counter will give you a <Bangbang sticker for first blood donation> for you to stick on your chest, which may be gentler. In addition, you will be given a tablet computer to answer all questions about your physical condition. After you are finished, return it to the counter, and then you can rest assured in the lobby waiting for your name to be called.

Blood donation APP is super convenient

First time donating blood, great stickers GET!

After the name is called, the service staff will take you into the interview room, briefly ask if you are feeling well, and reconfirm your answer on the tablet. If there are no questions, sign your name to show responsibility, and you will be on the middle finger when you come Poke it with a small needle and take a blood sample. This is to confirm whether the iron in your blood is enough and to confirm the quality of the blood.

Because the last time I went there happened to be the day after my birthday, so everyone who handled me was very happy to say happy birthday to me. I think in the future, when there is no one to help me celebrate my birthday, I will go to donate blood, so that Can brush a wave of presence. (I was supposed to go on my birthday, but because I celebrated so crazy the night before, I had a bad hangover and couldn't tell the nurse: Hey, G'day, I am so hangover, but I'd like to donate my blood. ..)

After the blood donation, the service staff asked me to rest on the chair for five to ten minutes, and then leave after confirming that I was ok. After leaving the blood donation room, there was a large area of free food supply, just like a buffet, except for water, milk, Juice, coffee machine, and a lot of biscuits, snacks, cheese, etc., are freely available for blood donors.

full of food

About a week after the completion of blood donation, the blood donation center will notify you by text message, telling you that your blood has been confirmed to be ok and can be donated smoothly, and telling you which hospital this package of blood was sent to for use, and that it can be donated in your next blood donation. Before the date is approaching, you are reminded by email that you can make an appointment. Overall, it is a very comfortable experience. The medical staff try to relieve your tension as much as possible, and it is very kind, one-stop tracking, every one The blood donor will be notified of the process, which is an amazing blood donation experience.

In Australia, it takes 90 days for a second blood donation to be done for whole blood donation, but split blood donation can be done every two weeks, so although there is still a limit of about two weeks before my next whole blood donation, but I have been able to do separate blood donation. I just received an email from the blood donation station a few days ago, encouraging me to find time to donate blood. Because the blood stock is somewhat insufficient, I originally wanted to take advantage of today's schedule, so I used the APP to make an appointment Blood donation in the morning.

Early in the morning, I looked forward to my first blood donation today. I arrived at the blood donation center, filled out the questionnaire, answered a bunch of questions in the interview room, and got a needle to confirm whether the iron in the blood is enough. Everything is fine, my little boy. The little heart was beating wildly, and finally sat on the throne of blood donation.

After setting the machine, the nurse began to look for blood vessels on my arm. I have always been hard to find blood vessels. When I draw blood in Taiwan, I have to draw blood from the back of my hand. Today is no exception. If you can't find it, that's fine. Let's try it on the other side. Papa Papa, still nothing. The next employee who is more senior will come to play and see. Both left and right hands are patted, but there is nothing. The king who is very imposing as soon as he appears, a super senior vascular expert, with a face that there are no blood vessels that cannot be found, unless you choose someone you can't find, then you will see his facial expression gradually mother soup, his mouth is silent Thought: How could there be nothing. I had to answer awkwardly: Yes, yes! I have blood vessels, but it is rather shy today, you should take two more shots and it should be there.

In this way, three or four people worked around for half an hour. The roommate who came with me has already donated half a bag. I was still there to pat, but in the end, I really couldn’t find it. The super senior vascular expert is very good. Helplessly said: We are really ischemic, but I have to let you go, next time you come, you can continue to donate whole blood, but your blood vessel condition may not be suitable for separate blood donation.

(Additionally, in the process of chatting with them, I have been instigating them to insert the needle first, and then pull it out and reinsert it if it is wrong. I don’t mind, but they told me that they can only do the needle insertion once, no You can go in and out, insert and insert, security will come XD, once the needle goes in, there is no way to guide the blood, there will be no second chance, we only have one shot, so before they can't completely determine the location of the blood vessel, they would rather Don't do it, and don't let the blood donor get a needle in vain).

In this way, they turned off the machine and put away the equipment, and I finally realized that the loneliness of the end of the song is only a sad person... (Teacher music please go down), I was a little sad when I was returned for the first time, after all I am a tough man and tender. I am a sensitive and thoughtful person who has blood, tears and feelings, so I asked me what I can do to make the next split blood donation go smoothly, in addition to drinking a lot of water, especially before donating blood In the two days, I must make sure that I have enough water, exercise more, and eat as light as possible (you just want me to lose weight! Why do you talk so much!), it seems that I have to go home and retreat first, and wait for my introvert When the blood vessels are ready to be seen, try again.

So, if you are one of the best geniuses in the world for blood donation, remember to roll up your sleeves, kindness knows no borders, we are all superheroes without capes.

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