Helping and Respecting


The little girl in the story and her family originally wanted to send the unused heavy clothes to Africa, but the heavy coats and snow boots were not suitable for use in Africa. After explaining her story and experience to her beautifully, she understood Although it is a good thing to help others, don't forget the principle of respect while helping others.

After watching this video, I think it amazes me that some people donate old and impractical clothes as supplies to others, because since those are worn-out supplies that we don't want, then those who donate clothes When recipients receive those abandoned and unwanted items, they will definitely feel uncomfortable. I think this is an insult to recipients; just like the project of reducing inequality in SDGs, everyone should be treated equally , everyone should be valued, instead of being indifferent, neglected, and disrespected. This point is very important to each of us, because we cannot always live alone in our lives. Man is a social animal, and it is inevitable that he will interact with others in life. Therefore, we must know how to respect and tolerate others, so that people will not feel that you are mocking or ridiculing him, and then make others feel that you are a person who can make people feel happy. People who talk to you because you will respect what they have to say.

I think I can respect the speeches of my classmates during group discussions, because I am a team with my team members, and the ideas of our group should be the ideas discussed by the whole group, not personal. I hope that I can try to help people who are inconvenient in some places, because although they have some inconveniences or are different from ordinary people, they are human beings and should be respected and cared for. Although helping others is the foundation of happiness, but at the moment of helping others, don't forget to think about other people's feelings and respect others, this is the best performance!


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