History of Science and Technology, Ethnic History, History of Southeast Asia, Ancient Poetry, Laos | Tags created by me and me


The first is my personal introduction, which I mentioned once in the Let Love Power Generation event.

Hi, Citizens of Matters, I'm Bai Dai, a retired former shooter due to injury, Russian culture lover, aviation enthusiast, obsessed with mechanics and model making, winner of multiple aircraft design awards.
Also a lover of physics and history. Because of this hobby, I chose to major in history and minor in physics as an undergraduate, and continue to study history at the graduate level. Also has experience in personnel and engineering, as well as a screenwriter and freelance writer and drama fancier.

Here is the label I created:

#history of science and technology

The history of science and technology explores the progress and evolution of science, engineering, agriculture, medicine and other disciplines, and sorts out the development laws and internal logic of these disciplines.

#ethnic history

The history of ethnic groups traces the genetic and cultural origins of various ethnic groups, studies the past and present of their social life, and explores solutions to ethnic problems.

#southeast Asian history

History of Southeast Asia, telling stories that took place in Southeast Asia.

#traditional poetry creation

The creation of ancient poetry, the intention is moving, the heart, the text, or the pre-Qin, or the imitation of the Yuefu, or the rhythm, or the long and short sentences. I hope everyone can express themselves freely and meet friends with poetry.

(I can’t edit this tag for the time being, for the same reason that Gaia can’t edit the tag “Matters Virtual Comment Collection”. This tag was created during a community event, and there were matters citizens in the event who contributed old texts, in @Matty After adding a tag to it, this article has become the longest existing article under the tag, and the author of this article has become the principal. But Matty explained the original logic of the function yesterday. Introduce this label to everyone.)

#laos _

In Laos, the ancient things cannot be tested, or Yuntangming and Nanzhang are the forerunners, and the Ming and Qing customs are called Laojia. The country is a country, with Vietnam in the east, Myanmar in the west, Thailand and Cambodia in the south, China in the north, mountains and rivers for 2,000 miles, seven million people, Vientiane, the capital, and the Buddhist country of Indochina.

Thanks @Gaia and The Kiss of Uranos for launching this campaign. Recently, when I have time, I will search for relevant articles and add them to the tag to enrich the content of the tag. I hope that colleagues who have the same interest will contribute more~


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