Lesson|Zhuangzi - The Human World (1)


I just listened to an episode of a podcast on a particularly boring morning. The guest who happened to be the guest was teacher Cai Biming, and I liked her voice very much. The theme of that episode was to be determined to understand each other in a relationship, not to please each other. Ms. Cai told a lot of interesting stories and ideas in the program. Although she was promoting her new book "Resolving Love", it did not affect the transmission of her ideas at all, so she went to Ms. Cai's fb and other information, and found coursera. I took 2 courses at National Taiwan University, and I ordered the wrong one. I had no choice but to finish Zhuangzi - Renqing first, and stopped the other courses I owed before.

There are a total of 8 weeks of classes. The first week starts from the human world. Yes, the familiar Xingyou, Qiwu Lun, and Health Master are in another class, and I will learn them after I finish the later ones.

I have a selected translation of "Zhuangzi" in my hand. I was worried that it was not complete, so I said that I would use a Kindle to read it. As a result, the Kindle's battery was sacrificed gloriously, so I had to return to the book. I just finished watching the content of the first week, Yan Hui, please go. The theme is about changing the world, starting from establishing yourself.

Mr. Cai's lectures made me feel so regretful. Why didn't I meet Mr. Cai earlier! A very interesting and lively class, about the grand proposition of home, country, and the world. Yan Hui heard that Wei Jun used his country lightly, but did not see it. He wanted to educate him and discussed with Confucius whether he should go . The Confucius here is that Zhuangzi used the mouth of Confucius to express his thoughts. When his foundation is not stable and his inner emptiness is empty, he should not blindly help others. Some people always think that it is for the good of each other, fighting fire with fire and water with water.

Even though he is upright and diligent in his work, he is not enough to educate others, but he is upright in his heart and outwardly submissive. Although he will not lead to disaster, he will not achieve the purpose of educating others, and everything will be in vain. Then what method should be taken to change the world, the method given in the book is heart fasting.

"If you have one will, if you don't listen to your ears, you listen to your heart. If you don't listen to your heart, you listen to your heart. Your ears stop at listening, and your heart stops at the talisman. Qi is also empty and treats things. Void. Void, the heart is fast."

Mr. Cai has been emphasizing on the cultivation of the mind. My personal understanding will be more inclined to the type of meditation, which is to focus all attention on oneself and abandon the interference of foreign objects. It is not only in a quiet environment to cultivate the mind, but also You should cultivate your mind anytime, anywhere, so that your attention will not be swallowed up by various things, and your energy will be slack.

Sometimes I feel very tired after a whole day. In most cases, we are distracted by too many things, and we have been overdrawing our anger. All kinds of news from various groups are like an explosion, trying desperately to get our attention. It seems that in this way we gradually lose the ability to think, and in fact it does. Sometimes I feel that my emotions are very unstable, but I don’t know why.


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