Malaysian Laobaa eat dim sum - Ice Cream Daifuku

Laurel Ice Cream Daifuku is finally available in the whole family! 🥹

𓍯 Sesame Ice Cream Daifuku $59/in

𓍯 Peanut Ice Cream Daifuku $59/in

Dafupi, I love Q bombs that don't stick to my teeth!

Both fillings are very rich

I can also eat the particles and bite down and cool down

The sweetness of the sesame is slightly higher, and the sweetness of the peanut is just right

It's just right to eat one alone👍

I'm a sesame control, but this time I'm pushing peanuts 😍

However, the family currently only sells single packs

The price is a little expensive 🥲 I don’t know if there will be specials in the future

It is suitable for all of you who just want to try it!


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oldgirl.mt老咩吃台灣 超商 | 美食|宅配 | 生活 | 雲林嘉義 #超商 #全聯 #宅配 #好物 #手作 常常吃垃圾食物,臉上會出現甚麼? • • 是 笑 容 (。・ω・。)ノ♡ ☞ 不專業咖啡人 偶爾分享大馬日常 🇲🇾
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