Push and pull things, but group buying is super efficient!

Although office group buying helps employees to interact with each other and save living expenses, the group buying is not beneficial to the achievement of annual performance, but takes up office time.

I wonder if your company has the kind of person who pushes and drags things and initiates group purchases but is super efficient? There is a small supervisor in our company that is like this. My colleague is very busy helping her clean up the aftermath, but she is very busy in the group buying group, and the colleague is so angry that she vomits blood.

In other words, this unit has handed over two tasks to the junior supervisor "Yun". Since our unit is supposed to assist other departments in promoting the filming of the film, according to the past execution schedule, we have reminded the "Yun" supervisor that administrative work must be carried out from March. , We will assist with the shooting planning, reminding or tracking it every two weeks. I didn't expect her to move. In the annual work progress review meeting in late May, the senior supervisor found that the progress was seriously behind and reviewed it severely. So swept to the tail of the typhoon.

Doing things by pushing and pulling, initiating group purchases is super efficient.

It was found that the supervisor of "Yun" did not start the administrative work until the day of the review meeting. After receiving the instructions from the chief supervisor, he had to hurry up and discuss the progress with her immediately, but she innocently said, "What should I do if I don't agree with Dao!", "And this is the first time I've taken over the business." Huh? I couldn't help but ask her, "I used to remind you about the progress every two weeks, and my colleagues also held a meeting with you to discuss the subject matter of the video. Why didn't you bring up or ask any questions?"

Then the director of "Yun" actually shifted his focus and began to complain that he had a lot of business. These two businesses were handed over to their unit, and the manpower could not be replenished. In addition, the daughter at home was very rebellious recently, and she was exhausted by internal and external pressure. Her candle was burning at both ends. Families re-apply for leave without pay.

For the same reason, I listen to it once every two weeks. If you talk to her about work, she will talk a lot about family affairs, her health is not good, and her daughter will not be obedient. I don't want to listen to the director of "Cloud" for more than half an hour every time, wasting time, and directly ask her to open up her authority. Our unit will perform administrative work together. Next year, please change the presentation method that she can confidently execute.

Just as my colleagues and I were rushing to make progress, we saw that the director of "Cloud" initiated a group purchase in the group buying group on average once a month. Since the group purchase is for daily necessities, dozens of colleagues buy together every month. "Cloud" "The supervisor will prepare a form for everyone to confirm. From ordering to delivery, it takes a lot of time to sort out.

When a colleague saw her pulling the group, she said angrily, "We are all doing the execution of the idea. She is only responsible for the simple administrative procedures, which can be delayed for two and a half months. It would be great if she was as active as group buying!"

Although it is inevitable for employees to have a difficult balance between family care and work, the company hires employees in the hope of having a certain output value. "Cloud" supervisors use the time they complained to do administrative work, which is definitely more than enough.

From the standpoint of the company, looking at the “cloud” in charge of business push and pull, and the rapid and efficient behavior of group purchases, I must feel that the cart before the horse is put before the horse. Although office group purchases can help employees interact with each other and save living expenses, group purchases are not conducive to achieving annual performance, but instead Occupying office hours, the main group members have to collect money, order, and tally goods. As a small supervisor, he is busy with these "outside jobs" every day, and it is really outrageous to not do business.


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