2021 Matters Annual Questionnaire|Fortunate and Unfortunate

In the face of Matters' annual questionnaire, look back on the experience of the year and take a closer look. This year's successes and failures shape your future self.

1. Write down an event that happened this year that you want to record permanently.

This year, it can be described as a roller coaster of life 🎢, full of flavors. The most impressive thing is that my younger brother was fortunate to receive the scholarship that the university gave me to go to a foreign country. This can be said to be the first time in his academic career that he has been affirmed by others . This affirmation can be said to be hard-won, but it brings a bit of luck. Indeed, in this year, my dedication and hard work in the subject was similar to that of other equally diligent classmates. Arrogantly speaking, in my undergraduate years, I must have invested more time and scheming than theirs. Plus, I can get the favor of the professor, which is really rare. However, this scholarship is accompanied by some conditions, that is, you must study abroad as an exchange student. Good luck and bad luck happened to me at the same time. Fortunately, the above has been mentioned. Unfortunately, pneumonia has mutated into a new type of virus in the Czech Republic, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of infections. The Czech Republic has implemented severe epidemic prevention measures, which prevented me from going there. Originally, I was looking forward to one of the courses at Charles University in the Czech Republic. That class was about foreign policy under Trump, and it was taught by an actual diplomat at the U.S. embassy in the Czech Republic. In the choice of health and exchange + scholarship , I chose the former. Of course, this opportunity and scholarship is no longer mine. This incident is imprinted in my heart, and I will think about it when I get old.

2. Two full years have passed, and the epidemic is still going on. How has the pandemic changed your life compared to two years ago? Do you think it can be restored?

The arrival of the epidemic has indeed changed people's living habits, and I am no exception. In particular, the change from face- to-face to online teaching . However, I do not prefer to teach online. Because, I can use my time flexibly without worrying about heaven and earth. Personally, I don't think it's possible to return to the status quo. Always, with the emergence of the "new normal", people's consumption behavior and daily habits have been completely changed, and it is impossible to go back to the past.

3. Where will you (finally) lie flat in 2021?

For the two words lying flat , I will change them to "Buddha". Perhaps in terms of "diet", he has become Buddhist. Because of the online teaching, I usually get up one minute before the class, so I just cook instant noodles and eat it casually. Eat only two meals a day, and do not pay attention to whether the food is delicious, but just want to be full.

4. In 2021, what gives you the deepest sense of meaning or gives you the greatest sense of power?

The decline of Hong Kong. Ironic, right? A person born and raised in Hong Kong actually feels that the decline of Hong Kong can give him the greatest sense of strength. When looking at something, the focus is on point of view and perspective. Although Hong Kong is declining, it cannot be ignored that those who stay in Hong Kong will use their own strength to build a new culture in Hong Kong. For example: try to talk about a sensitive issue in a humorous way - the immigration wave of Hong Kong people.

Of course, there are also many scholars who are reshaping Hong Kong's past history - "The Battle for Hong Kong", too many to count.

I believe I can do something, so I'm trying to improve.

5. In 2021, a farewell or an encounter you experienced

Farewell to the familiar Hong Kong. This farewell may be forever. When I was studying, my Chinese teacher often told me: "Break first and then stand". If we indulge in the past, how can we discover unexpected things in Hong Kong? How can we reflect on our own inadequacies?

6. How has your relationship with your body changed since last year? Do you like your current body more?

The body has deteriorated. In relation to my studies, I often stayed up all night and collapsed during my work and rest time.

7. Share with us a good book, a good movie or a good song you meet in 2021

Lin Jiaqian - A Word That Goes Back in Time

I know @voluntary grandpa has introduced a lot of nostalgic country music, and I also like "Let it be" by The Beatles, so I won't introduce it in detail. Instead, I would like to introduce a Hong Kong singer - Lam Ka-him. He sang "A Word Back in Time". This song is telling a love story that you know is impossible. However, what I focus on is "If you could go back in time, how would you choose what happened in the past?" I really like the melody and rhythm of this song, which is lighter, unique and has a strong sense of engagement.

8. Share a moment that meant a lot to you in 2021 with a single photo.

For the first time in my life, I chose a less popular company - florist (social enterprise). It is also unforgettable to communicate and learn with employees with hearing impairments.

9. Fill in the blanks: 2021, matters debut

Compared to other social platforms, Matt City is the first social platform that allows me to give up my daily writing. Essays have been my main approach to writing since middle school writing. Over time, this writing is high-pressure, frustrating, and rigorous. However, in Matt City, you can express your feelings and thoughts in different ways. Whether it is text, pictures, or videos. It's easier to create here

10. Still at the crossroads, do you keep choosing it?

Every day there are choices big and small. I always choose it and keep thinking about it. To this day, I still blame myself for not being able to make the best choices. Still don't know where to go. But is there the best option in the world? Existence, that is the choice you make. Maybe I still blame myself for the choices I made. However, courage to make choices is something I have learned this year.

Still confused about the big things, but time will let me make a decision at the right time.


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