visa|Experience and stored value card swiping teaching

Since I wrote the application strategy at the beginning, I also promised to write down the usage experience in the future. Adhering to the spirit of bringing in and bringing out, I have to write down the experience, so let’s attach the teaching on how to use it by the way!
I want this XD

Since I wrote the application strategy at the beginning, I also promised to write down the usage experience in the future. Adhering to the spirit of bringing in and bringing out, I have to write down the experience, so let’s attach the teaching on how to use it by the way!
After a long wait, after the excited activation of the card, of course the first and most important thing is... you need to deposit fiat money into the card before you can use it for daily consumption and withdrawal!

Deposit teaching

The next step is how to deposit fiat currency. Currently, there are two ways to store value:

Stored value screen

1. Virtual currency

Card (payment card) → Top Up (stored value) → Crypto Wallet (cryptocurrency wallet)

Various virtual currencies such as BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, ADA, DOGE, MATIC, TAUD, TCAD, TGBP, THETA, USDC and USDT can be converted from Crypto Wallet to legal currency (unit SGD) and deposited into the card for daily consumption or withdraw

2. Credit/debit card

Card (payment card) → Top Up (stored value) → Credit Card (credit card)

VISA/MASTER credit cards (1% handling fee + 1.5% overseas handling fee) can be used to directly deposit legal currency (unit: SGD) into the card for daily consumption or withdrawal.
In addition, the card used by the cat slave is a 3% reward for swiping the card abroad, so I personally think that swiping the card to store value is a good choice for me, convenient and fast~

After using the above two methods to deposit into the card, you can convert the currency (SGD, JPY, AUD, EUR, GBP, HKD, USD) by yourself, but I am currently using SGD directly for consumption.

How to Buy Virtual Currency to Top Up Cards

The first method above is to store value with virtual currency, so where do I get virtual currency from?
There are also ways to buy virtual currency in the APP, there are three ways to buy

1. Buying coins with a credit card here is different from swiping the card to store value. I also swiped the 2.99% once before I realized that it is not called stored value.... There will be a discount when buying coins by swiping the card in the app. 2.99% handling fee, plus 1.5% foreign credit card handling fee, so I think it is quite high... Personally, it is not recommended to buy directly here...

2. Compared with credit cards to buy coins with cryptocurrencies, I think I can directly use the CRO I hold, or transfer cryptocurrencies from other wallets. Here I attach likecoin to CRO and then enter the app Let’s assume that everyone is familiar with Osmosis , and skip directly to the steps of replacing LIKE with CRO. XD

Open the app -> Account -> Click on Coin -> Transfer -> Deposit -> You can see your address~ Write this down first, it will be used later

After Osmosis changes LIKE to CRO and prepares the address of your app, go back to the Keplr wallet, select, click Send to fill in the address in your app and you’re done~
In this way, if you have CRO in your wallet, you can exchange it for SGD to store value in the card for consumption~


3. I haven’t tried the method of fiat currency myself, but I saw in the crawling article that it can be directly exchanged for USDC with a US dollar account at 1:1, but because I don’t have a foreign currency account as a cat slave, the details...need to be done again Homework XD

Let me also talk about the experience of using the cat slave in the past two weeks. I was worried that many places would not be able to use it, but based on the experience of using it in the past two weeks, the card can be tied to Linepay, which increases the number of places that can be used. Opportunities to use it. Cat slaves have used 7-11, CNPC, Uber, Carrefour, and Shin Kong Mitsukoshi for their usual consumption. It’s not too many times, and they haven’t bought cans yet (they still have them at home) A bunch of...), but currently I have failed to use linepay at 7-11, but the physical card is OK. At present, I haven’t encountered a place where I can’t swipe (too few swipe times XD), and I have other successes in the future. Or share the experience of failure with everyone!

Here is the information compiled by bloggers who climbed Wenbie before ( data source )

 Physical stores ⭕: LINEPay, LINEPay, LINEPay, Dayuanbai, RT-Mart, Xiaobei Department Store, Xiaomi Home, Zhongyou Department Store, CNPC, Taiwan Mobile, Haoledi, Tiger City . Eslite Greenway, Aimai, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, Eslite, Louisa, Domino’s, Burger King (LINEPay), Far EasTone, Cash Drawer, APPLE, DAISO, GU, Ikea, 7-11, Subway (LINEpay) , Uniqlo online channel ⭕: Xiaomi official website (PayPal), China Life Insurance, Taiwan Star,, Taobao, Fubon Insurance, Domino’s official website, Agoda, Amazon, APPLE official website, Foodpanda, GU online store, iRent, KKBOX, Netflix, PChome Shopping (LINEPay), Play Store, Spotify, Steam(PayPal), Uber, UberEats, Uniqlo Online Store, Yahoo! Kimo Shopping Center (LINEPay) Payment Methods ⭕: LINEPay, PayPal Physical Stores ❌: Sanshang Qiaofu , Chunghwa Telecom, Family Mart, Quanlian, KFC, Cathay Life Insurance, McDonald’s (some stores), OK Supermarket online access ❌: Dongsen Shopping, Shunfa 3C Shopping Network, Far EasTone, Lotte Market Shopping Network, Shopee Shopping, Open-air Auction, momo shopping network payment method ❌: Jiekou payment, ApplePay, Google Pay, Pipai wallet, official Chinese channel.

You can also join the official Chinese Telegram group of , there are many seniors who have used it for a long time are very enthusiastic to answer questions, and finally attach the recommendation code of the cat slave again

Cat slave personal recommendation code: qjd366s64h
Cat Slave’s recommended link:
Register at through the referral link, apply for a CRO Visa card, you and I can enjoy $25 USD together :)

And the progress of the application (listening to the discussion in the Telegram group, I feel that the speed of card issuance has accelerated~)
21/11/2021: Application
2021/11/21: The first stage of review passed
21/11/2021: Fill out the card application
2021/11/27: Address verification passed
2021/11/29: Card issuance status: Issued
2021/12/21: Card issuance status: Sent, received DHL SMS
2021/12/23: Card received!


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