lost to dad orz

Hahaha after 3 days of competition I lost ORZ woohoo

Looking young, I am still too tender compared to my father! Basically, these days my father's ass is like a proud peacock's tall old man XD And then I'll just say it! Foreigners will absolutely be crazy about my stuff (but I posted it on the Chinese platform...

I really didn't expect my 3D NFT to lose. I deliberately waited for a few more days. The result just made me and my father's ratio worse. I will listen to the opinions of @Uncle Xin and learn it quickly. Color, spell it again (? Hahaha I'm a little brat

Thank you all for participating in the event, and I will use some to play with it later. First, wait for me to finish the courses in @CODENONGDaily Big Things-I will produce more interesting NFTs later, and everyone will hurry up and sign up for the course Ou XD! ! !

Then everyone will help my page by clicking a heart (maybe to increase exposure and so on (?

If you get it, you can also put it on the shelf and sell it. After all, if it really sells, I can also get the manuscript fee XD

love press

The proceeds of this article will be used to buy paper supplies for my father. I can probably buy another pen and some paper to add more bricks and stones to my father's calligraphy master road XD

Shenmu's NFT sales location

Shenmu Elf

cat and pen

Ink Dragon


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!