God Helps the Self-Help: To All Who Wait for America's Rescue


A group of people waiting to be rescued by the United States

When they were young, many people fantasized about a day when they stretched out their hands with clothes and opened their mouths with food, hoping to become a person who was served. This is probably because he is too young to change the world, so he can only expect the care of others.

However, many people still have childhood dreams when they grow up, and they fantasize about the blessings of heaven like children. This is not innocence but stupidity. So they gamble, buy lottery tickets, or simply daydream. In recent years, many Chinese people have gained a sense of freedom, and they have begun to have another idea, which is to wait for the rescue of the United States. ——They wait for the United States to suppress dictatorship, wait for the United States to dispatch troops, wait for the United States to stand up for itself, and wait for the United States to give itself democracy. In short, everything is waiting for the help of the United States, except that the United States does not expect the United States to give itself a job and a woman.

This may be because the United States is known as the world's policeman and defender of democracy, so people have expectations of him. But no matter on any occasion, the United States does not seem to boast that Haikou will save the world. This makes it difficult to understand why anyone would imagine that a country is willing to pay its own expenses and send soldiers to take care of the well-being and freedom of another country.

But we still see many people calling for America's rescue year after year, like a baby asking for the care of its parents. But these people forget one thing, that is, the United States is not the parent of the people of the world, and is only responsible to the Americans morally and legally. Even if you want to extend a helping hand, it is to your own citizens and allies.

God helps those who help themselves

It is true that it is human nature to yearn for freedom and civilization. But if people all over the world are waiting to be rescued and watered by others, then there will not be so much rain and dew in the sky. The result of waiting is that everyone becomes the oppressed, because everyone has a shrewd mind and only wants others to take the first step so that they can take advantage of it, so they never take the initiative when they can wait for help.

When smart people get together, they often look at each other and give in. As a result, it ushered in an endless sinking, until it led to disaster and disaster. Just imagine if the Americans had adopted this attitude, then the War of Independence would not have happened. They are still colonized, and it doesn't matter what is now the United States of America and the beacon of democracy.

Just because Americans understand: God helps those who help themselves, and God abandons those who abandon themselves. Americans often say God bless America, but they never wait for God's relief. In their hearts, God is more of a symbol, granting them blessings and beliefs to create an ideal society.

Besides, in this world, there doesn't seem to be any country that achieves self-salvation by relying on charity. Because any savior, even Almighty God, will be helpless in the face of self-defeating people. If you are unwilling to even try to improve your own situation, then others can only stand by and look at you coldly.

where is the salvation

For any country, its own interests are paramount, just as everyone is only responsible for their own family. Just ask yourself whether you are willing to work for other people's families, and you can imagine whether any country should work for itself.

It is true that there has always been a worldwide democratic vision in Western ideology, and both the United States and its allies have provided assistance to the world's democratic process. But even for democracies, the wisest strategy is to help those that have already tried, not to engage in sovereign intervention.

This kind of help is more in the form of soft power and moral assistance, rather than parachuting a group of American soldiers as many people imagine. If we look at the environment we live in, we will find that our computers, Internet, and communication facilities are all a kind of technical help, otherwise we are still limited by the blockage of information. It is also a kind of help that countries around the world open their doors to Chinese students and share knowledge and progress. It is also helpful for developed countries to share medical technology with China (such as polio, hepatitis B vaccine, cold chain transportation, etc.) and to adopt disabled children in China.

From environmental protection, education, health, finance, to infrastructure and technical training, our lives receive assistance from the world all the time. ——If these things still make people feel far away, here is a more experiential example: About ten years ago, my friend was detained by the police station for 48 hours. During this period, the assistant police told them that they could help order takeaway light meal. The friend was very surprised when he heard this, because just a few years ago the police were very overbearing and would not provide short-term detention with food and water.

He asked the auxiliary police the reason for this change, and the auxiliary police said: This was forced out by the United States. Humane measures are thus lessened.

Discover help around you and how to help yourself

If someone thinks that all this is not helpful, that there is no real touch, then it is difficult to say what is really helpful. To a reasonable person, these help enough to benefit him a lot. And if a person tries to save himself, the Quartet is willing to lend more helping hands. The important thing is to discover the help available around you and learn to use these resources. In fact, many important resources are already readily available under the current technical conditions, and there are a few points that must be mastered:

1. Learning attitude

No matter how closed the country is, cultural exchange in the world is imperative, and people especially value those who are open and willing to learn. Therefore, in addition to the skills required for work, people should learn world languages, new things, and universal value culture.

Moreover, learning allows people to expand their horizons and distinguish right from wrong, and at the same time have a stronger ability to capture information, which is conducive to grasping technological and social trends in a complex information environment.

2. Be open-minded

Be open to all kinds of people and cultures. The world today, especially the United States, is a society of mixed cultures. Don't be confined to your own life circle like in the farming era, but take the initiative to integrate into the world. This will make life a richer experience, and at the same time provide more possibilities for the future.

Of course, no matter what skin color or country you are in, you will face racial prejudice that is difficult to eliminate. But don't be full of fear of the outside world because of this. Our fear comes more from the extreme and generalized propaganda environment. In fact, the danger outside is less than what you usually encounter, and the goodwill is more than what is around you. .

3. Understand finance (channel)

In a sense, wealth is the lifeblood of freedom. So many people (especially the government) will stare at your money and try to choke your life.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a broader perspective and learn to manage assets in a diversified way. You must understand that there are not only stocks, financial management, and ×× treasures that can be bought and sold in this world. There are many other options with higher returns and less risk. There are not only Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, but also New York, London, and Tokyo Stock Exchanges that can be traded. There are not only local brokers, but also international ones such as Interactive Brokers, Charles Schwab, Firstrade, etc.

You can not only buy Maotai and two barrels of oil, but also Apple, Google and Sony, or any stock in the world. You can also invest in fixed investment funds in Fidelity or Vanguard to achieve stable returns on capital.

You can hold different foreign exchange to avoid risks. There are not only the four well-known banks in the world, but also Standard Chartered, HSBC, and Citigroup. Digital banks are also on the rise, and you can even open a Swiss account online if you want. You can discover more valuable trading varieties and investment channels, and fight for the right not to be harvested.

4. Learn to use blockchain

Be sure to learn to use the blockchain , the impact of this technology is far more profound than we imagined. It has brought about changes in the means of payment and storage of resources, and it continues to spread to a wider area.

Blockchain is not just a digital currency, that's just one of its functions. Do not treat digital currency as a mere speculative tool , but as a monetary tool . Smart investors will not participate in the gambling game of digital currency itself, but will use the attributes of this currency to let them play the role of financial hedging and asset circulation .

The important thing about the blockchain is its distributed nodes, which allow it not only to transfer financial assets, but also to preserve ideological assets. These functions can be realized with the help of platforms such as IPFS and steemit. There are two things in this world that are most difficult to control their flow, one is ideas and the other is capital. The blockchain can be used as the carrier of both.

Don't underestimate the impact of decentralization on society. It has quietly infiltrated people's lives and affected the monetary policies of various countries. And with the expansion of the scope of its technical application, one day it will pose a direct threat to the political form.

5. Establish values

Create your own values and live by them, because this will allow you to find the group you belong to. Every country and society has certain values. Which country you plan to defect to depends on which value you agree with. ——For example, if you go to the United States, you must agree with American values. To defect to North Korea, one must agree with North Korean values.

Do not treat any country as a public sanctuary, exploiting their resources while turning a blind eye to their value. Only values can guide people to find true belonging. ——No matter how dark the world is, most people in the world still yearn for justice and fraternity, and this will become the mainstream of the civilized world in the future.

However, there will always be a group of completely degenerate people in any era, just like the destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. These are people whose knees are used to kneeling and whose necks are used to shackles. In the face of this group of people, all you have to do is not to join forces with others. Even if you live under a dictatorship, people can choose not to sing praises and keep their hearts pure.

Be an adult out of swaddling

Around us, the help from the outside world is too numerous to mention. In fact, all communication can be regarded as a kind of help, because it can change people's cognition. The Internet has accelerated this process, - Microsoft and Apple have established a common data platform, Google allows people to obtain free information, facebook and twitter have become the world's cultural communication tools... As long as we have enough awareness, all we Every movie you watch, every broadcast you listen to, will bring different inspirations.

Of course, it depends on how you define these tools, you can use them as entertainment carriers, or you can use them as information channels. The outside world has been reaching out to help, but we rarely appreciate it. Most of the national liberation movements are launched under the spread of values, and there are few direct political interventions.

You must understand that food will not be actively fed into people's mouths, and humanitarianism also has its own boundaries. Whether it is the United States or other countries, there is no reason to devote themselves to a political cause that spans oceans. The Beacon of Democracy owes nothing to anyone, and they have no responsibility to help those in need.

If you think that salvation is food put to your mouth, clothes handed to you, help you overthrow your oppressors, and hand over political power for you to enjoy—then all this is only a dream.

Be an independent adult, open your heart and use your mind instead of rushing food to your mouth. When you take self-help actions, people will help. ——As a matter of fact, help and rescue have never been interrupted, but if you don’t even have the consciousness to move your body to accept, then everyone will just let you sink like mud.

The Communist International sang:

There has never been any savior, nor does it depend on a fairy emperor.

Anyone who is waiting for help is advised to give this song a serious listen. God helps those who help themselves, and even God will not help a man who is appointed. I need to choose to continue daydreaming and longing for salvation in my lifetime. Still stand upright and walk forward.


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方舟與中國大廈將傾,塵埃四起。迷霧中,一艘方舟正在成形。 這是權貴的船艙,一待風雲譎變,它便駛離這片土地,留下滿目瘡痍。
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