Issue 57 Delegated Data Report - Validators die instantly and delegators suffer.

The total number of delegations in this issue has dropped by more than 16 million, which is mainly due to the death of the above-mentioned validators and a large number of delegations that have not been delegated at the time of data collection. The number of wallets and the number of entrusted transactions continued to both increase and hit new highs, and the increase in the number of entrusted wallets also hit a new high.

This issue is the fifty-seventh issue of the commissioned data report. The data is taken from the afternoon of 12/2/2022 and compared with the data of the evening of 5/2/2022 last Saturday. The data interval is a regular 7 days. Proposition 34 is still at the deposit payment stage. The thirty-fifth proposal has one more day to complete the voting. The total number of votes is 364, and the total voting rate is 76%, which is a high proportion of voting. Among them, the affirmative votes accounted for 99.99% of the votes cast, and the rest were abstentions. Regarding the analysis of the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth proposals and Lao Mao's views, Lao Mao shared in the previous report, and interested readers can refer to the previous report .

In this issue, a validator made a Double-Sign error, which caused the immediate death of the node and damage to the delegator. This is a very important matter, and it also caused some thinking about the old cat. I planned to share it in this report. It was written later and it was a bit interesting. Finally, I decided to publish it in another article .

Let's take a look at the wide range of numbers:

 Number of wallets delegated: 3493 (new high)
Number of newly added/exited delegate wallets: 272 / 15
Total Likecoin delegated: 539 million Validators in service: 50
Number of new join/exit validators: 2 / 2
Total number of orders: 7041 (new high)
Entrusted rate: 8.80% (new high)
Entrustment ratio: 49.84%

The total number of delegations in this issue has dropped by more than 16 million, which is mainly due to the death of the above-mentioned validators and a large number of delegations that have not been delegated at the time of data collection. The number of wallets and the number of entrusted transactions continued to both increase and hit new highs, and the increase in the number of entrusted wallets also hit a new high. The ratio of entrustment decreased by 1.57% to 49.84 due to the decrease in the total number of entrustments, and the entrusted interest rate continued to rise, rising by 0.10% to 8.80% this week, continuing to record highs. There are still 50 validators, and 2 have been relocated.

Let's take a look at some mean and median data:

 Average number of Likecoins per order: 76,600 (new low)
Average delegation of a single wallet: 154,000 (new low)
Median Likecoin per order: 166 (new low)
Median single wallet delegation: 350 (new low)
The average number of delegations of validators: 10.79 million validators' average number of delegations: 141 (new high)

In this issue, the total number of orders decreased while the number of wallets and the number of orders increased. Therefore, the averages of single orders and single wallets both decreased, and both continued to hit new lows. The median also continued to both fall and set new lows. There were more wallets and more orders were scattered. The average commission amount and the number of transactions of validators rose and fell in the same direction due to the rise and fall of the total number of transactions, and the average number of transactions of validators reached a new high.

Here are some more interesting numbers:

 The highest number of Likecoins in a single order: 49.72 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 95.56 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 45
The maximum number of orders for one bet: 15.64 million

In this issue, the maximum number of single orders has slightly increased, while the maximum number of orders per wallet has dropped by more than 5 million, the maximum number of orders per wallet has dropped by two, and the maximum number of orders per bet has remained unchanged. Although the validators have changed this time, the scatter chart is quite similar to last week. The report is complete.


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