Life Turning Point | My Earliest Childhood Turning Point

Because I am the daughter and the eldest, my mother is always stricter with me than my younger brothers in everything, especially when it comes to grades. Part of the reason is to set a good example for his younger brother, on the other hand to prove that girls are no worse than boys, and part of the reason is to never lose to the children of relatives who always love to compare.

Born into a very traditional Malaysian Chinese family, I am the eldest of three children. Because I am the daughter and the eldest, my mother is always stricter with me than my younger brothers in everything, especially when it comes to grades. Part of the reason is to set a good example for his younger brother, on the other hand to prove that girls are no worse than boys, and part of the reason is to never lose to the children of relatives who always love to compare .

Because of this, my mother was very nervous about my homework and grades since I was a child. But both her and my dad didn't continue to study until they graduated from primary school, and they were not interested in reading, so they only knew their mother tongue - Chinese and mathematics. They don't even know the letters in English and Malay. I heard from my mother that when I was in kindergarten, she didn't know letters, so she called her good friend and described each letter to her friend one by one, and then the friend probably guessed the letter my mother described and taught her each letter. Read the law. Later, when I started to learn English vocabulary, my mother would use Chinese characters to mark each word with its homophony and slowly teach me to read it.

Because of my mother's perseverance and persistence, my grades in kindergarten were really good, with at least 90 points in every subject, and occasionally full marks. But as long as it's not 100 percent, I'll still be penalized.

How to punish it? Hey, there's a formula:

Punishment specific formula = how many points each subject is 100% away from

So since I was a child, I was very afraid of exams, especially afraid of taking home exam papers that were not 100%. Although there will be a reward for 100% on the test, I can't remember what it is, and I'm sure that the reward is definitely not more impressive than the cane whip.

I remember one time, when I took a ninety-eight-point test paper from the teacher, I was scared to death, and when I got back to my seat, I immediately tucked it under the bottom mezzanine of my schoolbag. Then when I came home from school, I kept thinking in my heart:

I hope my mother won't ask me where my exam papers are I hope my mother won't ask me where my exam papers are

But in the end my mom asked.

In order to save my sweet little palm, I lied to my mother for days that the teacher hadn't sent the exam paper back. But when I was young, I didn’t know what it meant to be able to hide for a while, but not forever ! A few days later, my mother became suspicious. I called to ask my classmate's mother whether the exam papers were sent back, and I was exposed like this. Immediately while crying, I pulled out the 98-point test paper from the middle of the school bag, ran quickly from my mother to the back door, and threw it into the big ditch more than one meter deep behind my house. At that time, I hoped that the ditch could wash away the exam papers, the farther the better. Unfortunately, there was no water in the ditch at that time, and my exam paper was stuck there embarrassingly. . .

My mother was stunned. She took the cane and asked me angrily if I failed the test and wanted to "destroy the evidence"? I cried and shouted, "I didn't fail, I just got 98! I didn't fail! Don't hit me!!!" I just repeated howl and howl at me. After a while, my dad just came home from work, and he was confused. After my mom explained it a little to my dad, my dad climbed down the ditch and retrieved my wrinkled and slightly damp test paper.

My mother hurriedly opened it and saw that it was really ninety-eight! ! !

I vaguely remember Mom looking a little guiltily asking me why I had to hide at ninety-eight and throw it in the gutter? I sobbed and said, " Because...because...because if see that I get ninety-eight still beat...hit me... Two whips~~~~~~~~~! "After I said that, I cried even more.

In the end my mom didn't hit me, and I forgot how they coaxed me. In short, I still remember the whole process of that day very clearly, and it is not a shadow of childhood, I just think the whole thing is very funny🤣

That being said, this incident was a turning point in my childhood. Since then my mother never used that formula to punish me again. She lowered the minimum requirement to 90 points, and any less than 90 points will still be punished. Fortunately, I rarely get less than 90 in kindergarten, so there is almost nothing to be whipped again.

Until I went to primary school, thanks for the birth of my second brother, my mother didn’t have so much time to look at me so strictly. Although my grades slipped a little bit, it was still pretty good.

When I was growing up, my mother asked me once if I ever complained about her being strict with me. In fact, it's really not true. I can have such good grades. It is very likely that I was "forced" by my mother like this. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be in the UK now. But I still teased her and said: "A little bit~". I remember her with a guilty look on her face, saying:

Your grandparents and grandparents didn't care about my grades before. I only got such bad grades and I didn't even know a single English letter when I came out of the society. That's why my work is so hard. I'm so strict, isn't it all for your own good?

I've always understood my mother's mind, and it's just a simple wish that we can live better than them. In the past, I also thought that good grades in reading were everything, and that if I didn’t study well, I would definitely not be able to make money. But when I went to college and went out of the society, I realized that good grades didn't mean anything. Everyone's expertise and interests are different, and it's really unfair to judge someone by their grades. A person, the most important thing is good character, positive thinking and values. . .


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